Intro to Motor Control Flashcards
What is motor behaviour?
is an umbrella term for the fields of motor control, motor learning, and motor development, an understanding of which optimizes skill acquisition
What is motor control?
Motor control is the study of how we control movement and produce useful coordinated responses. Whereas, motor learning is the study of how our control of movement changes via practice and experience. As you may imagine there is considerable overlap between these areas, as theories of motor control need to be able to explain how control changes with learning. The reverse is also true – any motor learning theory needs to begin with a robust understanding of how we control movement.
What is motor learning?
the study of the processes involved in the acquisition of a motor skill and the factors that enhance or inhibit the ability to perform a motor skill. assumed to have occurred when relatively permanent changes in the capability of skilled behavior are observed through performance changes, like learning to ride a bike
What is motor performance?
executing a motor skill that results in a temporary, nonpermanent change
What is motor development?
how motor behavior changes across the life span. learning to walk is motor development, not motor learning, because it is a motor skill that all humans acquire; in contrast, learning to shoot a basketball requires practice and is due to motor learning. Motor development must be organized and systematic, such as an infant progressing through the motor milestones of raising the head, to rolling over, to crawling, and then to walking. The changes also need to be successive—that is, they must occur in an uninterrupted order. Changes that occur as a result of practice or experience, however, are due to motor learning, not motor development.
What is a skill?
the learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximal certainty, often with a minimum outlay of time or energy (Knapp, 1963)
What is an open skill?’
one for which the environment is variable and unpredictable during the action. Examples include most team sports
What is a closed skill?
one for which the environment is stable and predictable. Examples include swimming in an empty lane
What is a serial skill?
often thought of as a group of discrete skills strung together to make up a new, more complicated skilled action, where the order of the elements is usually critical for successful performance. Shifting car gears is a serial skill. differ from discrete skills in that the movement durations tend to be somewhat longer, yet each component retains a discrete beginning and end
What is a discrete skill?
usually has an easily defined beginning and end, often with a very brief duration of movement, such as throwing a ball
What is a continuos skill?
has no particular beginning or end, the behavior flowing on for many minutes, such as swimming
What is constant error?
Constant error measures the deviation from the target. It comes with a positive or negative sign which points out the direction of the error. Absolute constant error will give the absolute value of CE alone without mentioning the direction.
What is absolute error?
Absolute error is the overall deviation without considering the direction (+ve or -ve)
What is variable error?
Variable error measures the consistency of the shots
What are sports skills?
Sport skills have been separated into three categories: cognitive, perceptual, and motor (Honeybourne, 2006). At young ages, basic skills provide the foundation for activities that require much more complicated sport-specific motor skills. These basic skills are termed fundamental motor skills and include activities such as overhand throwing, jumping, catching, kicking, and striking.