Intro to Landform Flashcards
Structure of Earth
1) crust
2) mantle
3) core
1) ~4 miles thick w. 2 types - continental, oceanic
2) ocean = thinner BUT denser rocks
3) density of crust increases w. depth
4) significant change in mineral comp. at base of crust (mohorovicic discontinuity aka moho)
1) Upper mantle = thin + rigid, called lithosphere
2) Asthenosphere = beneath lithosphere = hot rocks that become plastic like
3) low mantle = very hot rocks BUT rigid bc of pressure
1) warmth = release of energy from decay of radioactive elements
2) outer core = liquid
3) inner core = dense solid
Igneous Rocks
1) formed by cooling + solidification of molten rock (magma)
2) Examples = granite, diorite, gabbro
Sedimentary Rock
1) sedimentary deposits build up –> compacted + consolidate into sedimentary rock
2) Distinct layers - strata
Metamorphic Rocks
1) rock physically/chemically altered by heat, pressure, chemically active fluids
2) associated w. lithosphere
3) types of metamorphism: contact (contact w. magma), regional (deep within crust exposed to heat/pressure), hydrothermal (fluids circulate thru cracks in rock)
Foliated vs Nonfoliated (metamorphic)
Foliated - layered/banded appearance bc minerals arranged in parallel layers
Non-foliated - plan, grainy texture, no layers
Clastic, Chemical, Organic Sedimentary
1) Clastic - formed from layers of debris, moved by water/wind (shale, sandstone)
2) Chemical - formed from minerals preciping out of solution (limestone from CaCO3)
3) Organic = formed from remains of organisms (coal)
Plutonic vs Volcanic (Igneous)
Plutonic/Intrusive = Form from magma cooling below surface (granite)
2) Volcanic/extrusive = form from cooling of lava ON surface (obsedian)
Internal Process
1) Originates from WITHIN Earth
2) result in crustal movements via folding, faulting, volcanic activity
3) Building up –> Increase relief features on earth
External Process
1) Operate at base of atmosphere + get energy from ABOVE lithosphere
2) Wearing down –> weathering, erosion
Relationship btwn internal + external
1) Internal BUILDS UP
2) External BREAKS DOWN
1) present to key is past
2) Topography today shaped by same processes of the past + same in future
1) Older idea than uniformitarianism
2) Major features produced by sudden upheavals + catastrophes