Intro to Computer Software Flashcards
What is Software?
Systems and Programs developed, as a result of programming and scripting efforts, to perform a business function.
What is System Software?
Focuses on different operating systems and the sub-systems that support the operating system by examining the various layers of software that combined make up an operating system.
What is Application Software?
Programs that end users run to accomplish tasks.
What is Productivity Software?
EX: word processor, Powerpoint, Excel, database management programs, calendars programs, address books, data organizer, etc. (Drawing software)
What is Internet usage software?
Email client, web browser, FTP client.
What is computer game/entertainment software?
Video games, DVD players, CD players, etc.
What is horizontal software?
Can be used across all divisions within an organization
What is vertical software?
Used by select groups within an organization.
What is System Software?
Programs that make up the operating system.
What are daemons or services?
They run in the background all the time, and wait for an event to arise before taking action.
What software is based on a scheduler?
Examples include antivirus software, or updater.
What is utility software?
Examples include disk defragmenters, antivirus, etc.
What is server software?
Works with hardware to provide a network service, including web-servers, email servers, database servers, etc.
Where are local applications stored?
On a local (end-user) machine.
What is an intranet?
A LAN that uses the Internet Protocol, and include restrictions on access which is normally limited to employees of the organization. The software, accessed by the LAN, is limited by utilizing IP for managing the communications between the user and the application.
What is Cloud Computing?
Combines several technologies, distributed computing, computer networks, and storage area networks. The idea is to offer, as a service, ability to offload computation/storage from your local computer to the cloud. Can access resources/applications from anywhere/anytime.
What is the benefit of cloud computing?
Allows an organization to access resources/applications from anywhere/anytime. Can meet increasing IT demands without increasing investments in IT. Cloud enables ability to instantly acquire resources you need which allows for scaling, common platform leading to better standardization, and decreased need for internal IT personnel.
What is a Kernel?
The core components of the operating system. Loaded when the computer is first booted. Includes components that handle process management, resource management, and memory management. Sits on top of the hardware and is the interface between hardware and software.
What are Device Drivers?
Provide specific interfaces between OS running the computer and hardware. There are over 1.5 million drivers out there, so no need to load computers with every one when most won’t be used by a specific individual.
What is the Shell?
Interface for the user.
What are Services/Daemons?
Run in the background usually, and start when the operating system is loaded.
What are Utility Programs?
Allow user to monitor/improve system performance.