Intro To Clinical Exam Flashcards
what is the general clinical exam
- history taking
- general clinical exam –> subjective observations “over the gate” –> objective observations “hands on” –> specific components (ortho, optho, neuro)
- is each observation normal (but what is normal) or abnormal
what is SOAP
subjective, objective, assessment, plan
what are the steps of SOAP
step 1: make subjective and objective observations (systemic and therefore repeatable)
step 2: carry out an assessment based on the results of your observations (is the finding normal/abnormal? make a problem list, make a differential diagnosis)
step 3: make a plan –> what further actions need to be taken, including diagnostic tests
what is SNAPPS
S: summarize history & findings and summary statement
N: narrow the differential to 2-3 relevant possibilities
A: analyze the differential by comparing & contrasting possibilites
P: probe the preceptor by asking about uncertanties or difficulties
P: plan management for patient
S: select a case related issue for self-directed learning
how do you consider what is “normal”
signalment and environment must be considered
some normal values are numeric
reference values are confusing
some normal values are less defined and come with experience
what is the temp range for a dog in C and F
- 9 - 39.9C
- 2-103.8F
what is the normal temp range of the cat
- 1-39.2C
- 5-102.5F
what is the pulse for a young dog
what is the pulse for the adult dog
what is the pulse of young cat
what is the pulse of an adult cat
what is the normal resp rate of dog
what is the normal resp rate of cat
what body language are you watching for cats when stressed during exam
- shedding
- tail flicking
- ears (down)
- low intensity growls/hiss
- pupils dilated
**cats turn very quickly –> air on side of caution (everything you need should be in the room already)
what are objective observations
nose –> tail
what is body condition scores
1 to 9 (much more descriptive)
or 1 to 5
5/9 or 3/5
what do you examine on the face (7)
- facial symmetry
- nose and nostrils (blood, clear discharge, coloured discharge (mucoid), brachycephalic nostrils obstructed)
- eye(s) and third eyelid (conjuctivitis will be red and inflamed, entropion, ectropion, cherry eye, discharge)
- left eye OS, right eye OD, both eyes OU
- third eyelid easy to expose in dog or cat - ears (various position and shape, airflow, waterdogs,
- teeth and gums (on both sides)
- capillary refil time (CRT) (perfusion to peripheral tissues should be >2 seconds –> what about dog with black gums? where do you look –> conjuctiva of eyes, or underside of lip some will have pink patches)
- opening the mouth (cats –> only get one shot)
how do you check hydration
prolonged skin tent
check the cervical region, over rib cage, top of head
**older animals have less skin elasticity, breed differences
what are palpable lymph nodes
what lymph nodes can you not palpate
what do you need to report about pulse
rate (bmp)
weak or strong
rhythm (regular, regularly irregular –> increase with inspiration, or irregularly irregular)
**cats hate femoral pulse
dogs have sinus arrhythmia, abnormal in cats
how do you auscultate the heart
- panting or purring (how to stop it –> turn water tap on, surgical spirit on a cotton swab and put on table near them, hold finger over nostrils briefly, pick them up)
- listen
- remember the anatomy
- compare with femoral pulse
where do you start when auscultating the heart
find the apex beat of the base of the heart
and move cranial and dorsal
important to palpate first with hand and then start auscultation
*firm contact, no petting
what do you need to report with auscultation
- rate
- adventitious breath sounds (crackles, wheezes, pleural rub, stridor, stretor)
how is abdominal palpation done
- know what should be where
- use fingers or flat of hand, do not dig fingertips in
- dorsal to ventral
- be gental
what area of genitals need to be examined
mammary chain
intact males palpate testes
how is the rectal exam done
warn owner
restraint by assistant (apply muzzle if needed)
gentle and thorough
what other areas should be examined
feet and limbs