intro. persons Flashcards
Who discovered the X-Ray?
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
On what year did Roentgen discovered the X-Ray
November 08, 1895
The glow is called what?
Is the emission of light during stimulation?
Roentgen noted that the barium platinocyanide glowed?
Along with three other radiographs this image was published two months later in hus paper ___?
“On a New Kind of Rays”
He was a German mechanical engineer and physicist, who on november 08, 1895 produced and detected electromagnetic radiation or X-Ray
Wilhelm Conrad Roetgen
When was Roetgen born and when did he died?
March 27, 1845 - February 10, 1923
The first person to experience the X-Ray on her own body on december 22, 1895
Anna Bertha Ludwig
When was Bertha born and when did she died?
April 22, 1839 - October 31, 1919
She was the first person to undergo an X-Ray examination, specially a radiograph of her hand
Anna Bertha Ludwig
His case is significant for highlighting the therapeutic use of X-rays in the early 1900s specially in treating a bone condition?
Eddie McCarthy
When was McCarthy born and when did he died?
March 12, 1882 - August 27, 1914
When did Wiliam Crookes born and when did he died
June 17, 1832 - April 04, 1919
He was a British chemist and physicist, invented the Crooked Tubes?
William Crookes
When was Micahel Pupin born and when did he died?
October 09, 1854 - March 12, 1935
He demonstrated the use of a Radiographic Intensifying Screen in 1896?
Michael Pupin
He found that by exposing two glass xray plates and he demonstrated the use of double emulsion film in 1904
Charles Leonard
When was Charles Leonard born and when did he died?
September 16, 1822 - August 27, 1918
When was Thomas Edison born and when did he died?
February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931
He was an American inventor and businessman who developed the fluoroscope in 1898?
Thomas Edison
He was an American glassblower and experienced a severe xray burn that eventually required amputation of both arms
Clarence Dally
When was Dally born and when did he died?
January 08, 1865 - October 02, 1904
When did Rollins born and when did he died?
June 19, 1852 - 1929
Demonstrated the first application of collimation and filtration?
William Rollins
When did Homer Clyde Snook born and when did he died?
March 25, 1878 - September 23, 1942
In 1907, he introduced a substitute high-voltage power supply an interruptless transformer?
Homer Clyde Snook
In 1913, he unveiled his hot-cathode x-ray tube to the medical community and he introduced the coolidge tube?
William Coolidge
When did Coolidge born and when did he died?
October 23, 1873 - February 03, 1975
When was Gustav Bucky born and when did he died?
September 03, 1880 - February 19, 1963
In 1913, he invented the stationary grid “glitterblende”
Gustav Bucky
In 1915, he probably unaware of buckys patent because of wkrld war II and also invented a moving grid?
Hollis Potter
When was Potter born and when did he died?
February 16, 1880 - October 15, 1964