INTRO - Bones, joints, & muscle Flashcards
Accessory bones
additional ossification centers appear and form extra bones. If a bone has multiple ossification centers, the bone may not fuse creating accessory bone. Common in foot.
Heterotropic bones
Bones that form in soft tissue where normally not present
Bone trauma: Reduction of fracture
1) Broken ends brought closer together 2) Surrounding fibroblasts proliferate and secrete collagen, which forms a collar of callus to hold bones together
Greenstick fractures
Incomplete breaks caused by bending the bones
Reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue. Organic and inorganic components of bone decrease.
Sternal puncture
Sternum commonly used for harvesting bone marrow. Puncture thin cortical bone of sternum and access spongy bone below. Red bone marrow aspirated. Bone marrow transplant sometimes used in treatment of leukemia.
Bone growth and assessment of bone age
Main criteria:
1) Appearance of calcified material in the epiphysis and/or diaphysis
2) Disappearance of the radiolucent (dark) line representing the epiphyseal plate
Avascular necrosis
death of bone w/o arterial supply
Disorders of epiphysis from vascular necrosis of UNKNOWN EITIOLOGY
Newborn cranium joints
Suture form wide areas of fibrous tissue called FONTANELLES where bones of newborn don’t make full contact. Bulging = increased cranial pressure, Pulsing = reflects pulse, Depressed = dehydrated
Insert cannula and an arthroscope into joint = small incision, faster healing
Muscle elongation and “pulling”
Muscles cannot extend 1/3 beyond their normal length w/o damage. Hamstring is often pulled because it is as full length when knee extended but hip joint is not fully flexed.
Growth and regeneration of skeletal muscle
- Skeletal muscle cannot divide
- Can be replaced individually by satellite cells
- If damage extreme repair muscle is disorganized mix of muscle and fibrous scar tissue.
- Hypertrophy (cells grow bigger) when worked
- No hyperplasia (increase in number)
Hypertrophy of the myocardium
- No satellite cells in cardiac muscle fibers
- No replacing cells that die/are damaged
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle
- Can undergo hyperplasia (ex uterine wall during preg)
- Incompletely differentiated cells (pericytes) along small blood vessels can develop new smooth muscle cells
Compensatory hypertrophy
Myocardium increases in size (hypertrophy) due to increased demands