intro Flashcards
ineffective physician
no empathy
taking expert stance
- just giving information doesn’t change behaviour
righting reflex
helpers want to help
good intentions don’t guarantee that the interaction will be helpful
interaction has to be driven by what the client needs
know they should change but don’t know how or just don’t want to change
MI is designed for and best suited for someone who is ambivalent
MI best for people in the preparation phase of the TTM
getting people over the hump of not sure to the phase of committing to change
continuum of conversational styles
not an all or nothing thing
directing – guiding – following
- MI is in the middle of the continuum (the guiding phase)
the spirit of MI
empathy is important
PACE – partnership, acceptance, compassion, evocation
use of MI with some people, not all
if people think they are changing for their own reasons, they are more likely to make changes
absolute worth, empathy, affirmation, autonomy support
promoting others welfare to give priority to the clients needs
resources for change and motivation are presumed to reside within the individual
showing the person that they have these resources
want client in an active speaking role rather than a passive role
Motivational Interviewing
a person-centered counselling style for addressing the common problem of ambivalence about change
designed to strengthen personal motivation and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion
oars skills
open questions: more than a yes/no answer
affirmations: anything positive that you notice about the client
reflections: most important
– understanding how they feel by saying it back to them
summaries: long reflections of more than one statement
– can become strategic by selectively choosing their reasons for change
four processes of MI
establishing mutually respectful relationship
make them feel welcome
having mutual goals
feeling hopeful
should happen throughout the entire MI process
what not to do in engaging (4)
assessing (too many questions)
telling how to fix problem
power (being authority figure)
ongoing process of seeking and maintaining direction
clear direction for change plan,
setting an agenda