Intrapartum Care for women with medical conditions or obstetric complications & their babies NICE 2019 Flashcards
Described NYHA
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 1 No Sx
Class 2 Sx at ordinary activity
Class 3 Sx at less than ordinary activity
Class 4 Sx at rest
Women with mechanical heart value who are taking warfarin in 3rd trimester, when to switch to LMWH
Switch by 36 weeks or 2 weeks before planned birth
Start LMWH after 24hrs, BD dosing
When to check anti-Xa levels? What should be the aim?
3-4 hours after LMWH
Aim 1.0-1.2
Check trough dose (before LMWH) >0.6
Once anti-Xa level is in target how often should it be checked?
1 x weekly
If mechanical heart valve when to stop therapeutic LMWH?
24 hours before planned CS, perform CS as close to 24 hours as possible, no later than 30 hours
Or switch to IV unfractioned heparin (stop 4-6 hours before CS)
If IOL and mechanical heart value, a senior obstetrician should be involved with:
- Decide when to stop IV unfractioned heparin to LMWH
- Reviewing progress of labour - 12 hours from LMWH, 4-6 hrs IV uheparin
If mechanical heart value on warfarin and present in labour>
Check INR, discuss with haemorrhage
Senior review (Obs, haem, anaesthetics)
Consider reversal
Post partim review for women with mechanical heart value
Assess within 3-4 hrs after birth by senior obs and anaesthetics
Aim restart LMWH/uheparin within 4-6 hours
When to restart warfarin in women with mechanical heart value postnatally?
At least 7 days after birth with specialist follow up
Offer planned CS to which women with cardiac conditions
High risk disease of aorta
NYHA class 3-4
Offer IOL or CS to mechanical heart value
For which women is fluid balance critical to heart function?
- severe left-sided stenotic lesions (for example, aortic stenosis and mitral stenosis)
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- cardiomyopathy with systolic ventricular dysfunction
- pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Fontan circulation and other univentricular circulations
- NYHA class IV heart disease.
For women who fluid balance is critical what monitoring should be done?
Hourly fluid input/output
Cont ECG
Cont intra-arterial BP monitoring
Cardiac output monitoring with non-invasive techniques
What Sx may indicate heart failure if no other cause?
SOB lying flat/at rest
Unexplained cough, espieaclly lying flat/frothy pink
Consider heart failure in intraprtum period if:
pale, sweaty, agitated, cool peripheries
HR >110
RR >20
Low BP
O2 sats <95% RA
Elevated JVP
Added murmur or HS
reduced air entry, basal crackles/wheeze
What Ix if suspect heart failure?
IV cannula
Bloods FBC, U+E
If cannot be ruled out - ECHO and BNP
What considerations should be taken for regional anaesthesia WHO class 3-4
Involve anaesthetic
Consider regional
Preserve CV stability - sequential Combine spinal-epidural technique
Cont invasive intra-arterial pressure monitoring