Intraoral examination Flashcards
We continue to see an increase of oral cancer diagnoses in patients under the age of __ with no known risk factors; __ __ included in this age group is a significant increase in cancer of the tongue
40, HPV 16
Current research implicates the human papillomavirus (HPV) as the underlying cause of as many as __ of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas with a predominate increase seen in younger __ men
72%, white
Oral cancer- A biopsy involving the removal of part or all of the suspicious area of tissue and microscopic evaluation by a pathologist to determine its histological makeup is the __ __ for determining a definitive diagnosis
Gold standard
A study by Kondori,et al. in 2011 reported a high rate (43%) of misdiagnosis of oral lesions by dental practitioners when they based their diagnosis on __
Clinical observations alone
squamous cell in the Oral cavity
Overall, ____ have a 5- yr survival rate
squamous cell in the Oral cavity
Affects men __ more than women
what is 90% or all oral cancers
squamous cell
squamous cell is ________ of all cancer
Early diagnosis- 40% are found in stage __ or __
I or II (80-90% survival)
Early diagnosis- 60% found in stages __ or __
if oral cancer is found in the 3rd or 4th stage what is the recurrence?
-67% recurrence in 2 years
if oral cancer is found in the 3rd or 4th stage what is the survival rate?
Oral cancer risk factors #1 and #2
1 tobacco
#2 alcohol
if you elimnated both tobacco and
alcohol this would prevent
75% of oral cancer
Other oral cancer risk factors
viruses (HPV and HIV)
sun exposure
inadequate nutrition
genetic predisposition
chronic inflammation
radiation exposure
carcinogen exposure
High- risk areas for oral cancer*
-floor of mouth
-lateral border of tongue
-ventral surface of tongue
Occasionally, individuals have large crypts in the tonsils that collect food debris, bacteria and hardened material ( tonsil stones) known as
Tonsillar crypt (complain of halitosis aka bad breath)
Bifid uvula: sometimes a bifid uvula is an indication of a __ cleft palate causing __ difficulties
submucosa, speech and swallowing
Signs and symptoms of oral cancer
nonhealing ulcer
routine oral cancer exam
-Question about risk factors
-Examine face (swellings, discolorations, etc)
-Palpate lymph nodes and lips
Routine Oral Cancer Exam (con’t)
-Palpate labial and buccal mucosa
-Examine and bimanually* palpate floor of mouth
-Examine palpate tongue
-Exam hard and soft palate
-Examine tonsils and oropharynx
Palpation terminology- Bony hard
Palpation terminology- Firm but not as hard as bone (solid rubber ball)
Palpation terminology- Pressure alters its shape