Intracellular membrane traffic Flashcards
What molecules are delivered by exocytosis? Where are they transported to?
This secretory pathway delivers newly synthesised proteins, carbohydrates and lipids either to the PM or the intracellular space.
What molecules are delivered by endocytosis? Where are they transported to?
Cells remove PM components and deliver them to components called endosomes, from where they can be recycled to same or different area of the PM or to be delivered to the lysosome for degradation.
What are inner coat vesicles used for?
Needed to concentrate proteins present in the donor membrane so that vesicles which will be produced have high concentration of specific cargo.
What are outer coat vesicles used for?
Needed for giving shape to the vesicle, usually a basket like lattice.
Describe the structure of clathrin.
Each subunit consists of 3 large and 3 small polypeptide chains that together form a structure called a triskelion.
What are the 3 main types of vesicles involved?
Clathrin, COPI, COPII
Describe the process of clathrin-dependent vesicle budding.
A molecule is to be transported from the donor membrane. The cargo has to be loaded inside a clathrin coated vesicle to then be transported somewherreelse.
A cargo receptor is needed, as well as an adaptor protein called adaptin. This forms a complex with the cargo, where the inner layer is formed with the adaptor protein while the outer layer is formed by the triskelions of clathrin.
The membrane is budding until a complete vesicle is formed. This is then ready to travel to the target location. Once it arrives, it will shed away its adaptins and clathrins and fuse with the target membrane.
What are surface markers?
High target specificity is obtained as all transport vesicles have a specific surface marker that identifies them, this tells the system their origin and type of cargo.
How do target membranes recognize vesicles?
Target membranes show on their surface complementary receptors, which will recognise the surface markers on vesicles.
What are the functions of Rab effector proteins?
Rab effector proteins are also called tethering proteins due to their function of docking the vesicle to the target membrane.
Describe the connection between Rab GTPase and vescicles.
The Rab GTPase is located on the vesicle in active form as it is bound to GTP.
Describe the ‘tethering’ part of vesicle and membrane fusion.
The first connection between the target membrane and the vesicle is produced due to the tethering proteins which are the effectors.
Describe the ‘docking’ part of vesicle and membrane fusion.
The t-SNARE and v-SNARE pair to produce a SNARE complex. The docking of the vesicle is almost complete and fusion can take place.
This can only happen when GTP bound to Rab protein is hydrolyzed, it is released after this.
Describe the ‘fusion’ part of vesicle and membrane fusion.
To achieve a membrane fusion, the bilayers of the 2 membranes need to be within 1.5 nm of each other.
The layer of water in between 2 membranes needs to be displaced, so fusion proteins that can overcome energy barriers are needed.
This is carried out by SNARE proteins, which use energy arriving with the vesicle to fuse the 2 membranes. Otherwise this will not fuse, as the presence of water is highly energetically unfavourable.
What are COPII vesicles used for?
COPII coated vesicles are used to transport cargo from the ER to the GA.
Vesicles are budded and coated with the proteins, there are specific proteins exposed on the inner layer of these vesicles.
How does the intermediate vesicular structure move from the ER to the cis golgi network?
The intermediate vesicular structures move from the ER to the cis golgi network by using ‘rails’ made of microtubules.
COP coated vesicles fuse to form vesicular tubular clusters, which travel in the cytoplasm toeards the cis golgi network using rails of microtubules.
Describe the general structure of the Golgi Apparatus.
The GA is made of an ordered series of compartments. There is the cis face, which faces the inner part of the cell, while the trans faces faces outwards at the membrane.
In between is the cisterne which can be classified into the cis, medial or trans cisterne.
Where are oligosaccharides added?
The first step of addition of oligosaccharide to proteins happens in the ER.
Where are oligosaccharides processed?
The processing of oligosaccharides occurs in the GA.
Each site in the GA is used for a different step of this processing and each type of cisterna has its own mix of enzymes that carries out its function.
What are oligosaccharides transformed to in the GA?
Transformed to either complex oligosaccharides or high mannose oligosaccharides.
How do N-linked glycosylations promote protein folding?
Renders intermediates are more soluble, thereby preventing aggregation.
Establishes a glyco-code which marks the progression of the protein folding, as well as mediating the binding to chaperones.
What else can N-linked glycosylation do apart from protein folding?
It also helps protect the protein from digestion by enzymes. Specific oligosaccharide trees exposed on proteins can modify a protein’s antigenic and functional properties.
What are lysosomes?
Lysosomes are membrane enclosed organelles filled with specific hydrolytic enzymes, as their function is to digest macromolecules.
Why can’t hydrolytic enzymes survive outside lysosomes?
All these enzymes are active because they are activated by the presence of acidic pH. If by chance all these enzymes are lost by the lysosomes, they will not be active as the pH outside will be neutral.
How is the pH inside lysosomes maintained?
The pH pump (ATPase) pumps H+ inside lysosomes to maintain its pH.
How are lysosomes derived?
Lysosomes are derived from endosomes. Late endosomes contain material derived from the PM by endocytosis as well as enzymes.
These late endosomes fuse with preexisting lysosomes to form structures called endolysosomes, which then fuses with each other.
How does phagocytosis work?
Specific phagocytic cells called macrophages and neutrophils ‘ eat’ large particles. resulting in a phagosome.
How does phagocytosis work?
Specific phagocytic cells called macrophages and neutrophils ‘ eat’ large particles. Resulting in a phagosome.
What are the functions of macropinocytes?
Macropinocytes specializes in the nonspecific uptake of fluids, membranes and particles attached to the PM.
Why is autophagy needed?
When cells differentiate, they need to change their shape and contents.
In some cases autophagy responds to environmental stimuli.
Autophagy can remove large molecules that are too large to be degraded by the proteasome. Otherwise diseases can be caused by malfunction of autophagy, like neurodegeneration and cancer.
How does autophagy work?
Something induces autophagy, the parts that need to be degraded are engulfed in membranous structure called autophagosomes, which then fuses with the lysosome where the acid hydrolases are present.
Then the acid lysosomes degrade the contents of the autofibersomes.
Describe selective autophagy.
Something chosen to be engulfed in the autophagosome and digested.
In this case the portion of cytosome contained in the autophagosome is not large, the shape usually reflects the contents. This is induced by specific needs of the cell.
Describe non-selective autophagy.
A portion of the cytoplasm is engulfed in autophagosome, e.g. in stressful conditions when nutrients are lacking, the cell digests itself.
What happens when lysosomes don’t work?
When lysosomes don’t work, this results in pathological consequences. The most severe is in the nervous system.
One or more than one gene encoding for a lysosomal hydrolase is mutated. Therefore cells parts unwanted material as they can’t digest it.
Describe I cell disease.
A rare inherited metabolic disorder where almost all of the hydrolytic enzymes are missing from the lysosomes of many cell types.
Material is accumulated in the cells, resulting in large inclusions. Individuals with this condition rarely live beyond 6 or 7 years.
Describe endocytosis.
First, vesicles fuse with the early endosome. The decision for the destination of the cargo is taken here. These vesicles stay this way inside then endosomes, as long as they are inside the bodies, they stay as vesicles. One possible destination is the lysosome.
The vesicles formed at the membrane can be clathrin formed vesicles. Some of them form a pit before budding away to form a vesicle. Many of these vesicles are continually produced from the PM and are very short-lived.
Describe features of macropincytosis.
This is not dependent on clathrin.
This is not continuous and is induced in response to something.
Therefore there is a receptor on the cell membrane which is reached by a factor, this receptor activates a response which is the macropinocytosis response.
Describe the process of macropinocytosis.
When the ligand binds to the receptor, it activates a signalling pathway which changes the state of the cytoskeleton, which means it changes acting dynamics and produces protrusions of the cell surface called ruffles. These ruffles form and collapse on the cell membrane, thus enclosing in vesicles being formed.
Macropinocytosis is a dedicated degradative pathway. There is an acidic pH which allows fusion with late endosomes, and from then on to lysosomes. Therefore what is contained in macropinosomes is sent to degradation. Although viruses’ genomes are not degraded.
Explain consitutive secretory pathway.
Works continuously without the use of signal.
Explain regulated secretory pathway.
A signal is needed (usually ligand binding to receptor) to switch on the signalling pathway.
What is a third pathway between the 2 secretory pathways?
There is a third one that doesn’t end up at the PM and instead goes to lysosomes. This always occurs starting from the trans golgi network.
Describe how clathrin works in forming secretory vesicles.
When passing through the trans golgi network, clathrin will assemble in some areas and change the shape of the membrane in that part.
Then an immature secretory vesicle is formed, the concentration of protein is high and becomes even higher due to the surface area of the secretory vesicle.
The final mature secretory vesicle is small and has lost volume, therefore the cargo had been concentrated with no clathrin. So clathrin is used to concentrate the secretory vesicle.
How can the precursor proteins stored in vesicles be activated?
A part can be cleaved off. These precursors are called pre pro-proteins. In some cases there are 2 parts that need to be cleaved, the signal peptide and another peptide.