Intoduction to Trauma Flashcards
What is the epidaemiology of traumatic death?
4th leading cause of death in western countries
Leading cause of death in 1st 4 decades of life
An average of 36 life years are lost per trauma death
What is the definition of the golden hour
A time period lasting from a few minutes to several hours following traumatic injury during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical treatment will prevent death
What information do paramedics need about an injury to transfer to the hospital?
Mechanism Speeds Scene Seat-belted Ejection Pedestrian Falls
What is BATLS?
Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support
(C)ABC -> Catastrophic bleeding, airway, breathing, circulation
What is DCR (Damage control Resuscitation)?
A systemic approach to major trauma combining the CABC paradigm with a series of clinical techniques from point of wounding to definitive treatment in order to minimise blood loss, maximise tissue oxygenation and optimise outcome
What is the step up treatment of catastrophic bleeding?
Press on it
Elevate it
Tourniquet it
The A of ABCDE/ CABCDE means airway with cervical spine control.
When should you assume C spine injury?
How do you immobilise the C spine?
Assume C Spine Injury:
- Significant mechanism
- Injury above clavicles
- Decreased conscious level
C Spine immobilisation:
- Manual in line immobilisation
- Hard collar, Head huggers, tape
What 3 things should you consider during airway assessment?
Patent or signs of obstruction
Airway at future risk
Give 6 ways to manage an airway
Oxygen - 15L O2 Suction Simple airway maneuvers Airway Adjuncts Definitive Airway Surgical Airway
How do you assess someones breathing?
- Work of breathing
- Tracheal position
- Palpate
- Percuss
- Auscultate
Give 6 life threatening conditions affecting breathing
what pneumonics are there?
- Airway Obstruction
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Open Pneumothorax
- Massive Haemothorax
- Flail Chest
- Cardiac Tamponade
How do you assess someones circulation?
HR Pulse Pressure BP Cold Clammy Capilary Refil Agitation and confusion
Up to 30% blood volume first
How do you manage someones circulation?
IV access
- Ideally 2 large bore cannulae in the antecubital fossae
- Alternatively IO
Bloods including XM/GS
IV fluids…
- What?
- How much?
What are common sources of haemorrhage?
5 Marks
On floor or at scene Chest Abdomen Pelvis Long Bones
How do you assess disability?
Neurological function
Pupillary reflexes
Move fingers and toes
How do you manage exposure and environment?
Expose fully (but maintain dignity)
Cover to prevent heat loss
Temperature (core if necessary)
What does DEFG mean
What bedside tests can you perform on trauma patients?
6 marks
BM Urine dipstick Urine volumes ABG ECG USS
What ultrasound investigations can you carry out on trauma patients?
(3 marks)
FAST (extended)
HART scan
IVC assessment
What laboratory and specialist investigations can you carry out in a trauma patient?
(4 marks)
- X-rays
- CT
- Angiography
What is involved in an AMPLE history?
Allergies Medication PMH Last Ate Events/Environment
What is Transexamic acid?
What is it used for
Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic medication used to treat or prevent excessive blood loss from trauma, surgery, and in various medical conditions including hemophilia and heavy menstrual bleeding. It comes in oral and intravenous forms.