Common Conditions of the Foot Flashcards
What sex is hallux valgus more common in?
Much commoner in females
What is the aetiology of hallux valgus?
Bad shoes
Bad genes or both
What are the features of hallux valgus?
Painful bunions
Over riding toes
Problems with shoes
The angle between 1st and 2nd metatarsals (intermetatarsal angle) should be what?
Less than 10 degrees
What is the aim of treatment in hallux valgus?
Bring metatarsals closer together. In turn this will normalise the shape of the foot
What is Hallux Rigidus?
Hallux rigidus or stiff big toe is degenerative arthritis and stiffness due to bone spurs that affects the MTP joint at the base of the hallux (big toe).
What x-ray changes of osteoarthritis can be seen in Hallux Rigidus?
(4 marks)
Narrowing of joint space
Subchondral sclerosis
Subchondral cysts
Osteophyte formation
What is metatarsalgia?
is it a disease?
Symptom not a diagnosis
Multiple causes
Pain around metatarsal heads
Callus formation common
How is metatarsalgia treated?
Commonly treated with cushioned insoles
Surgery less reliable
What are the causes of metatarsalgia?
Arthritis (OA or RA)
Instability (Hammer and claw toes)
-Leads to dislocation
Mortons neuroma
-Dont forget stress fractures
Ill fitting footwear
Give some causes of flat foot (Pes planus)
Joint laxity
Knock knee
- Paralysis (polio)
- Tendon Rupture
What is the medical term for high arches?
Pes Cavus
What are the features of Pes Cavus?
Clawed toes
Often bilateral
Associated with neurological disorders (e.g. peroneal muscle atrophy)
May be asymptomatic
What is the common cause of calcaneal fracture?
Fall from height
What is calcaneal fracture associated with?
Hip/ Pelvic/ spinal injuries
What is Lisfranc’s joint?
tarso-metatarsal joint