Intimacy Flashcards
Is intimacy only an adolescent issue?
Relevant across our entire lives, but begins in adolescence
What is the definition of intimacy?
The development of relationships characterized by self-disclosure, trust, and concern (“caring,” “daring,” and “sharing”)
Is intimacy the same as sexuality?
During adolescence, relationships become _____? Why?
During adolescence, relationships become:
- Closer
- More personal
- More involved
- More emotionally charged!!
This is a consequence of the development of the capacity for Intimacy
Why does intimacy begin in adolescence?
This is a consequence (again) of all of the things that we have already talked about:
- Puberty
- Evolution of Social Roles
- Importance of Peers
- Cognitive Changes
It’s an unavoidable consequence of growing up and a critical feature
of our psychosocial development
How does puberty play into the development of intimacy?
- Changes in sexual impulses at puberty provoke interest in sex, which leads to the development of romantic relationships
- Romantic and/or sexual relationships give rise to a host of issues that require serious, intimate communication
How do social roles play into the development of intimacy?
- The new behavioral independence we have provides greater opportunities for us to be alone with friends, which naturally leads to more Intimate communication
- Recognition that you are almost an adult may lead to a deepening of your relationships with parents and other adults
How does cognition play into the development of intimacy?
- Your more sophisticated understanding of the social landscape, better communication skills, and increased self-awareness lead to changes in your relationships
- Relationships involve greater empathy, self-disclosure, and sensitivity
- Though they can also lead to feelings of loneliness in the context of social isolation
What are the two theoretical perspectives on adolescent intimacy?
- Sullivan’s Theory of Interpersonal Development
- Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
What happens if interpersonal needs arise during stages of development
Across stages of development, different interpersonal needs arise
- If these needs are met, feelings of security emerge
- If these needs are NOT met (or frustrated), feelings of anxiety emerge
What did Sullivan mean by each psychosocial development is cumulative?
Each stage has an impact on who you become as a person
- A solid foundation of security in past relationships easier to find security in future relationship
- A poor foundation or anxiety in past relationships difficulty finding security in future relationships
According to Sullivan what is the glue that holds your sense for self together?
According to Sullivan, security (i.e. having satisfying relationships) is the glue that holds your sense of self together because Identity and Self-Esteem are a product of your Interpersonal Relationships
What is the interpersonal need during infancy (0 to 2-3 years)?
Need for contact with people, need for tenderness from mothering one
What is the interpersonal need during early childhood (2-3 to 6- years)?
Need for adult participation in child’s play
What is the interpersonal need during middle childhood (6-7 to 8-10 years)?
Need for peer playmates, need for acceptance into peer society groups
What is the interpersonal need for preadolescence (8-10 to 12-14 years)?
Need for intimacy and consensual validation in same-sex chumships