Interventions for patients with neurological dysfunction Flashcards
Motor program =
a set of perstructured mm commands that, when initiated, results in the production of a coordinated mvmnt sequence (learned task)
can be carried out largely uninfluenced by peripheral feedback
Motor plan =
an overall strategy for mvmnt
an action sequence requiring the coordination of a number of motor programs
Feedback =
afferent information sent by various sensory receptors to control centers
Feedforward =
readies the system in advance of movement
anticipatory responses that adjust the system for incoming sensory feedback or for future movements
Motor learning
a change in the capability of a person to perform a skill
the result of practice or experience
Measures of motor learning include
resistance to contextual change
Measures of motor learning - performance
determine overall quality of performance, level of automaticity, level of effort, speed of decision making
Measures of motor learning - retention
the ability to demonstrate the skill after a period of no practice
Measures of motor learning - generalizability
the acquired capability to apply what has been learned to other similar tasks
Measures of motor learnng - resistance to contextual change
acquired ability to apply what has been learned to other environmental contexts
Motor learning - feedback - intrinsic feedback
sensory info normally acquired during performance of a task
Motor learning - feedback - augmented feedback
externally presented feedback that is added to that normally acquired during task performance
ex = verbal cues
Motor learning - feedback 0 knowledge of performance
augmented feedback about the nature of the movement produced (movement characteristics)
Motor learning - feedback - feedback schedules
feedback given after every trial, feedback summed after set number of trials, fading (dec), or bandwidth
Motor learning - practice - blocked practice
practice of a single motor skill repeatedly; repetitive practice
Motor learning - practice - variable practice
practice of varied motor skills in which the performer is required to make rapid modifications of the skill in order to match demands of the task
Motor learning - practice - random practice
practice of a group or class of motor skills in random order
motor learning - practice - serial practice
practice of a group or class of motor skills in serial or predictable order
Motor learning - practice - massed practice
relatively continuous practice in which the amount of rest time is small (rest time less than practice time)
Motor learning - practice - distributed practice
practice in which the rest time is relatively large (practice is less than rest)
Motor learning - practice - mental practice
cognitive rehearsal of a motor skill without overt physical performance
Motor learning - transfer
the effects of having previous practice of a skill or skills upon the learning of a new skill or upon performance in a new context
transfer may either be positive or negative
Motor learning - transfer - part whole transfer
a learning technique in which a complex motor task is broken down into its component or subordinate parts for separate practice before practice of integrated whole
Motor learning - transfer - bilateral transfer
improvement in movement skill performance with one limb results from practice of similar movements with opposite limb
Feedback given every trial improves
Variable feedback improves
learning and retention
Early training should focus on ____ feedback
Later training should focus on ____ feedback
Task specific training strategies - emphasis is on
use of the affected body segments/limbs using task specific activities and experiences