Examination Flashcards
LOC - obtundation =
can open eyes, look at examiner
but responds slowly and is confused
demonstrates dec alertness and interest in environment
LOC - stupor =
can be aroused from sleep only with painful stimuli
verbal responses are slow or absent
pt returns to unresponsive state when stimuli are removed
demonstrates minimal awareness of self and environment
LOC - unresponsive vigilance (vegetative) state =
characterized by return of sleep/wake cycles, normalization of vegetative functions (resp, HR, BP, digestion) and lack of cog responsiveness (can be aroused but is unaware)
LOC - persistent vegetative state =
a state lasting over 1 year for TBI and over 3 months for anoxic brain injury
LOC - minimally conscious state =
a state characterized by severely altered consciousness with minimal but definite evidence of self or environmental awareness `
GCS - relates
consciousness to three elements of response
Eye opening, motor response, and verbal response
Scored from 3 to 15
GCS - severe brain injury, mod and min
severe = 1 to 8 mod = 9 to 12 minor = 13 to 15
Memory - immediate recall
name three items previously presented after a brief interval of about 5 min
Memory - recent memory (short term)
recall recent events - what did you have for breakfast
Memory - remote memory (long term)
recall past events - where were you born
Mini mental state exam (MMSE) - screening test for
cog dysfunction
includes screening items for orientation, registration, attn, calculation, recall and language
MMSE - scoring
max is 30
mild impairment = 21-24
mod = 16-20
severe = 15 or less
LOCF - rancho los amigos levels of cog function - assesses
cognitive recovery from TBI
LOCF - scoring
8 levels of bx 1 = no response 2 and 3 = decreased response 4, 5, 6 = confused 7, 8 = appropriate automatic, purposeful
vital signs - resp - cheyne stokes respiration is what
a period of apnea lasting 10-60 sec followed by gradual inc depth and freq of respirations
Accompanies depression of frontal lobe and diencephalic dysfunction
vital signs - resp - hyperventilation
inc rate and depth of resp
Accompanies dysfunction of lower midbrain and pons
vital signs - resp - apneustic breathing
abnormal resp marked by prolonged inspiration
Accompanies damage to upper pons
Exam for CNS infection or meningeal irritation - neck mobility test
supine, flex neck to chest
pos - neck pain with limitation and guarding of head flexion due to spasm of post neck mm
can result from meningeal inflammation, arthritis, or neck injury
Exam for CNS infection or meningeal irritation - Kernig’s sign
Supine, flex hip and knee fully to chest and then extend knee
Pos - causes pain and inc resistence to extending knee due to spasm of hamstring
when bilateral - suggests meningeal irritation
Exam for CNS infection or meningeal irritation - Brudzinski’s sign
Supine, flex knee to chest
Pos - causes flexion of hips and knees (drawing up)
Suggests meningeal irritation
Perceptual function - test for homonomous hemianopsia
loss of half of visual field in each eye - contralateral to side of lesion
Slowly bring two fingers from behind head and have them tell you when and where fingers first appear
Perceptual function - body scheme/body image disorders - body scheme disorder =
have pt identify body parts or their relationship to each other
Perceptual function - body scheme/body image disorders - visual spatial neglect =
unilateral neglect
determine whether pt ignores one side of body and stimuli coming from that side
Perceptual function - body scheme/body image disorders - right/left discrimination disorder =
have pt identify r and l sides of his or her own body and PT body
Perceptual function - body scheme/body image disorders - anosognosia =
severe denial, neglect, or lack of awareness of severity of condition
determine whether pt shows severe impairments in neglect and body scheme
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - figure ground discrimination
have pt pick out an object from an array of objects (brake from rest of wheelchair)
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - form constancy
have pt pick out an a object from an array of similarly shaped, but different sized objects (large block from group of blocks)
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - spatial relations
have pt duplicate a pattern of two or three blocks
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - position in space
have pt demonstrate difference limb positions (put your arm OH, put your foot underneath chair)
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - topographical disorientation
determine whether pt can navigate a familiar route on his or her own (travel from room to PT clinic)
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - depth and distance imperceptions
determine whether pt can judge depth and distance (navigate stairs, and sit down in chair)
Perceptual function - spatial relations syndromes - vertical disorientation
determine whether pt can accurately identify when something is upright (hold cane, ask pt when it is vertical)
Perceptual function - Examine for agnosia
inability to recognize objects with one sensory modality while retaining ability to recognize same object with other sensory modality
Not clock but sight, but able to with sound of tick
Perceptual function - Examine for apraxia
inability to perform voluntary, learned movementa in absence of loss of sensation, strength, coordination, attn, or comprehension
represents a breakdown in conceptual system or motor production system or both
Perceptual function - ideomotor apraxia
pt cant perform task on command, but can do it when left alone
Perceptual function - ideational apraxia
pt cant perform task at all, either on command or on own
Examine motor function - spasticity
inc resistance to PROM - determine whether inc speed, inc the resistance
Spasticity is velocity dependent!
Examine motor function - Additional signs of spastic hypertonia = clasp knife response
marked resistance to PROM suddenly gives way
Examine motor function - Additional signs of spastic hypertonia = clonus
maintained stretch stimulus produces a cyclical, spasmodic contaction
common in PFs, wrist flexors, jaw
Examine motor function - Additional signs of spastic hypertonia = hyperactive cutaneous reflexes, pos babinski
DF of great toe with fanning or other toes in response to stroking up lateral side of sole of foot - indicative of corticospinal tract disruption
Examine motor function - Additional signs of spastic hypertonia = hyperreflexia
increased DTRs
Examine motor function - Spasticity - Modified ashworth scale
6 grades
0 = no inc in mm tone
1 = slight inc in mm tone, minimal resistance at end ROM
1+ = slight inc in mm tone, minimal resistance through less than half of ROM
2 = more marked inc in mm tone through most of ROM, affected part easily moved
3 = considerable inc in mm tone, passive mvmnt difficult
4 = affected part rigid in flex or ext
Examine motor function - Rigidity
inc resistance to PROM that is independent of velocity of movement
Examine motor function - Rigidity - can be ___ or ___
leadpipe = uniform throughout range cogwheel = interrupted by series of jerks
Examine motor function - Decerebrate rigidity/posturing
seen in comatose pts with brainstem lesions btw sup colliculus and vestibular nucleus
results in inc tone and sustained posturing in rigid extension of all four limbs and trunk/neck
Examine motor function - Decorticate rigidity/posturing
seen in comatose pts with lesions above superior colliculus
results in inc tone and sustained posturing of upper limbs in flexion and lower limbs in extension
Examine motor function - Opisthotonos
prolonged, severe spasms of mm causing head, back and heels to arch backward; arms and hands are rigidly flexed
Seen in severe meningitis, tetanus, epilepsy, and strychnine poisoning
Examining reflexes - scoring scale
0 = absent 1+ = tone change, no visible mvmnt in extremities 2+ = visible mvmnt in extremities 3+ = exaggerated, full mvmnt in extrem 4+ = obligatory and sustained mvmnt, lasting over 30 sec
Examine for involuntary movements - tics =
spasmodic contractions of specific muscles, commonly involving face, head, neck or shoulder mm
Examine for involuntary movements - chorea =
relatively quick twitches or dancing movements
Examine for involuntary movements - athetosis =
slow, irregular, twisting, sinous movements, occurring esp. in UE
Examine for involuntary movements - tremor =
continuous quivering movements, rhythmic, oscillatory movement observed at rest (resting tremor)
Examine for involuntary movements - myoclonus
single, quick jerk
Examine balance - sensory organization test
6 conditions 1 = EO, stable surface 2 = EC SS 3 = visual conflict (sway referenced vision using a moving surrounding screen) SS 4 = EO, moving surface 5 = EC, MS 6 = visual conflict, moving surface
Examining balance - modified clinical test for sensory interaction in balance (mCTSIB)
4 conditions EO SS EC SS EO FS (foam) EC FS Three 30 sec trials are used