is a device that acts as the primary control mechanism for the entire fluoroscope.
X-ray generator
It is through the _____ that current is allowed to flow into the X-ray tube.
X-ray generator
is a standard feature of the majority of modern fluoroscopes. Through this system mA and kVp are constantly monitored and adjusted to optimize the image.
Automatic brightness control
X-rays may be generated in either a ___ or ____
continuous or a pulsed mode
Functions as a specific energy converter, receiving electrical energy
X-ray tube
Functions as a specific energy converter, receiving electrical energy and converting it into two other forms of energy:
x-radiation (1%) and heat (99%)
is the negative side of the x-ray tube; it has two primary parts, a filament and a focusing cup.
Is a coil of wire similar to that in a kitchen toaster, but it is much smaller.
Emits electrons when it is heated.
When the current through the filament is sufficiently high, the outer-shell electrons of the filament atoms are “boiled off” and ejected from the filament. A phenomenon called ___
thermionic emission.
Is the positive side of the x-ray tube
Area of the anode struck by the electrons from the cathode
Complex electronic device that receives the image-forming x-ray beam and converts it into a visible-light image of high intensity
Image Intensifier
emits electrons when illuminated by the input phosphor
Usually composed of cesium and antimony compounds that respond to stimulation of input phosphor light by the emission of electrons
Output phosphor
Usually made of zinc cadmium sulfide
Directs the path of electrons towards the anode
Electron optics
___ is a medical sub-specialty of radiology utilizing minimally-invasive image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat diseases
Inteventional Radiology
Interventional procedures use _____for the treatment of disease, in addition to providing certain diagnostic information
angiographic techniques
Interventional radiology has a ___ rather than diagnostic purpose in that it intervenes in, or interferes with, the course of a disease process or other medical condition.
Provide ____ viewing of anatomic structures.
real-time dynamic
_____ are examinations that show the motion of circulation or the motion of internal structures.
Dynamic studies
Uses ___ to highlight the anatomy
contrast media
Since ____ invented the fluoroscope in 1896
Thomas A. Edison
___ is used for examination of moving internal structures and fluids.
____ is primarily used to identify the anatomy or pathologic process of blood vessels.
January 1896__ and __ announced that they had produced a radiograph showing the blood vessels of an amputated hand using ____, composed mainly of _____ , a thick emulsion chalk, as contrast agent.
; Haschek and Lindenthal ; Teichman’s mixture; calcium carbonate
1920’s – use of ___ as CM for lower limb studies
sodium iodide
1927 – Angiography introduced by ___ ; ___ and ___ were used to highlight vessels
Egaz Moniz ; needles and contrast media
1950’s – CM is injected through a needle that punctured the vessel or through a ____ that passed into the body through a surgically exposed peripheral vessel
ureteral catheter
1953 – development of a thin-walled catheter, _____ announced a percutaneous method of catheter introduction.___ eliminated the surgical risk, w/c exposed the vessel and tissues.
Seldinger technique;
Sven-Ivar Seldinger
1960’s – ____: transbrachial selective coronary angiography – coronary artery entry through an artery of the arm
Mason Jones
1960’s –___ angiography of selective visceral, heart, and head arteries
coronary angiography
Melvin Judkins
visceral angiography
Charles Dotter
___ is cost-effective because images are stored electronically
Digital imaging
___ a highly sophisticated computer “subtracts” or removes overlying anatomic structures so that the resultant image shows only the vessel or vessels of interest that contain contrast media.
Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)
The subtracted image appears as a ___ and may demonstrate diagnostic information not apparent on a conventional non-subtracted image.
reversed image
___ accepts light from the output phosphor and converts it into a parallel beam.
objective lens
The size of the electron beam and its position are controlled by external electromagnetic coils known as ____
deflection coils, focusing coils, and alignment coils.
_____ is thin enough to transmit light yet thick enough to efficiently conduct electricity.
signal plate
A photo conductive layer of ______ is applied to the inside of the signal plate. This layer, called the target, is swept by the electron beam. ____ is photoconductive because, when illuminated, it conducts electrons; when dark, it behaves as an insulator.
antimony trisulfide
input phosphor
Cesium Iodide