Computed tomography (CT) uses ____ power supplies , capable of providing stable tube currents and voltages.
High-fequency power
Modern CT scanners make use of _____ in which high voltage is supplied to the tube through contact rings in the gantry.
slip ring technology
is a circular contact with sliding brushes that allows the gantry to rotate continually, untethered by wires.
slip ring technology
The use of slip-ring technology eliminated the _____
inertial limitations
The CT x-ray tube can be energized up to ___ continuously.
Tube voltages range from ____
80 to 140 kV.
Tube currents can range up to ____
1,000 mA.
Time for a 360-degree rotation of the x-ray tube currently ranges between ____
0.3 and 2 seconds.
Power loading on CT x-ray tubes can be as high as ___
∼100 kW.
anode heat storage capacities are high
how much
exceed 4 MJ or 8 MHU or more.
Anode heat dissipation rates are ___
∼10 kW
is a principal cause of CT imaging system malfunction and is the principal limitation on sequential imaging frequency.
The anode-cooling rates of approximately 1
X-ray tube failure
anode-cooling rates of approximately ___
how long
1 MHU per minute
CT x-ray tubes are expected to last for at least _____
50,000 exposures
_______ that separate the individual xenon detectors can also be made quite thin, and this improves the geometric efficiency by reducing dead space between detectors.
Metal septa
is the fraction of primary x-rays exiting the patient that strike active detector elements.
geometric efficiency
was the crystal used in the earliest CT imaging systems
Sodium iodide (NaI)
Nal was quickly replaced by ___ and ___
bismuth germanate (Bi4Ge3O12 or BGO) and cesiumiodide(CsI), and calcium fluoride. Cadmium tungstate (CdWO4) and special ceramics are the current crystals of choice.
Detectors are separated from each other by a dead space of____, which reduces the geometric efficiency.
how thick
∼0.1 mm
Scintillator Detector common light detectors are ____ and ___
photomultiplier tubes and photodiodes.
Scintillators convert ___ of the absorbed x-ray energy into light energy (conversion efficiency).
CT was first demonstrated successfully in (year) and place
1970; England
at the Central Research Laboratory of EMI, Ltd. _____, an engineer for EMI, and ______, Tufts University medical physicist from Johannesburg, South Africa,
Godfrey Hounsfield, Allan Macleod Cormack