Intervention Flashcards
What ended paralysis of the UNSC?
Gorbachev’s rise to power at the time of the end of the Iran-Iraq war
When and What did Bush snr call for?
- A New World Order
- 1991
- Global security would be underwritten by the UN
Who makes up the international society?
- Sovereign states, not people.
What does the int’l soc agree on?
- Int’l law
- Diplomacy
- And more contentiously the BoP and the special responsibilities of the great power for int’l order
Who was the main user of the UNSC veto in the CW?
USSR prior to 1966 and then the West
The UN Charter’s mention of self-determination was largely used to refer to?
only with European decolonisation
What did the use of the UNSC veto do to the UN’s reputation?
marginalised the UN in what has been intended as its central role - the provision of a credible system of peace and security.
UN involvement in former Yugo arose from the failure of int’l soc to address what issuers?
Legitimate secession
Protection of minority rights
Every UN operation rests on what two supports:
- The objects pursued by the member states
- The final analysis authorised by the secretariat.
What 3 issues does Mayall identify that complicate the task of devising a workable mandate?
- Sovereignty
- Strategic Objective
- Resources
What did Mayall find the the 3 UN interventions that he believed to be justified had in common?
no attempt to challenge the prevailing norms of int’l society
What did Briquemont (head of UNPROFOR) complain of in 1994?
“the fantastic gap between the resolutions of the UNSC , the will to execute these resolutions and the means available to commanders in the field”
What did the USA tell its troops to do in Somalia
“employ maximum controlled violence” when they encountered opposition rather than the minimum necessary force
What events prove that in UN ops the USA is constrained by democratic politics domestically?
- The withdrawal from Somalia after 18 servicemen were killed
- The reluctance to employ ground troops in Bosnia until a cease-fire was agreed
- The lengths the USA went to in Kosovo to ensure a casualty-free campaign
How does Jus ad Bellum relate to intervention?
- encompassing both laws and ethics
What 3 examples of humanitarian intervention are there in the 19th C?
- Sierra Leone - British presence to provide a haven for free slaves
- Greece - Franco-British-Russian mil involvement to liberate greeks from Ottoman rule on humanitarian grounds.
- 1853 Russian general protectorate over Christians in the Ottoman Empire
What does the UN charter limit the use of force internationally by states to:
- Individual or collective self defence
- Participation in UN-authorised or controlled military operations
No mention of humanitarian intervention
What does article 39 of the UN Charter say with regard to UNSC taking action?
Empowers to UNSC take action in cases deemed to constitute a ‘threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression’.
Who condemned many of the interventions of the the CW?
The UN General Assembly as the veto meant that it was unlikely to come from the UNSC
Where in the CW did the UNSC agree on sanctions?
- South Africa and Rhodesia (though did not agree on mil intervention).
What are examples of cases in which the UNSC wills the end but does not will the means?
- In the humanitarian field Iraq in 91 and Kosovo in 99.
- UNSC declared the target states had to change their policies but was not able to agree on mil intervention.
What proves that there is no desire to create a right to intervention?
The results of debates on the subject at the UN
What does ICISS stand for?
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (est’d 2001)
What did ICISS want to change the debate from?
not on ‘the right to intervene’ but on ‘the responsibility to protect’. This was seen above all as a ‘responsibility to react’ in some manner, not necessarily by intervention
How does Simma describe the legality of NATO’s action in Kosovo?
“only a thin red line separates NATO’S action on Kosovo from international legality”
What 4 reasons does Roberts see for the increase in intervention?
- Global Media
- International Terrorism
- Refugees - stopping flow at source
- Law - int’l order created in the UN era.