Interstitial Lung Disease Flashcards
Which pneumocytes produce Surfactant in the lungs?
Type 2 Pneumocytes
State 4 Obstructive Respiratory Disorders
Chronic Bronchitis
State 4 Restrictive Respiratory Disorders
Interstitial Lung Disease - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Sarcoidosis - Pneumoconiosis Chest Wall Neuromuscular Diseases
What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Infiltration of alveoli and lung interstitium by mesenchymal cells and increased amounts of ECM and collagen
Pulmonary Fibrosis can be associated with Connective tissue diseases. Give examples of 4
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Anonkylosing Spondylitis
- Systemic Sclerosis
- Dermatomyositis
What is the diagnostic test of choice for Pulmonary Fibrosis?
CT scan
How does the value of Transfer Factor change in patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Give 6 examples of conditions which commonly cause Upper Zone Fibrosis of the Lung? CHARTS
C - Coal workers pneumoconiosis H - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis / Histiocytosis A - Ankylosing Spondylitis R - Radiation T - Tuberculosis S - Silicosis / Sarcoidosis
Give example(s) of antibiotics which can cause Pulmonary Fibrosis
Give example(s) of chemotherapy agents which can cause Pulmonary Fibrosis
Bleomycin, Mitomycin, Cyclophosphamide, MTX
Give example(s) of anti-arrhythmic agents which can cause Pulmonary Fibrosis
Give example(s) of DMARDs which can cause Pulmonary Fibrosis
Gold, SSZ
What may be visualised on CT in patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Ground-glass appearance
What clinical features in the hands may be associated with Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a what type of Hypersensitivity reaction?
Type III (and Type IV) reaction
State six examples of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis diseases
Bird Fancier's Lung Farmer's Lung Mushroom Worker's Lung Hot Tub Lung Winemaker's Lung Malt Worker's Lung
Avian proteins are associated with which Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
Bird Fancier’s Lung
Bird Fancier’s Lung is associated with which causative agent?
Avian proteins
Mycobacterium avium are associated with which Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
Hot Tub Lung
Saccharopolyspora Rectivirgula are associated with which Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
Farmer’s Lung
Farmer’s Lung is associated with which causative agent?
Saccharopolyspora Rectivirgula
Aspergillus Clavatus are associated with which Hypersensitivity Reaction?
Malt Worker’s Lung
Malt Worker’s Lung is associated with which causative agent?
Aspergillus Clavatus
Mushroom Worker’s Lung is associated with which causative agent?
Actinomycetes is associated with which Hypersensitivity Reaction?
Mushroom Worker’s Lung
Winemaker’s Lung is associated with which causative agent?
Botrytis Cinerea
Botrytis Cinerea is associated with which Hypersensitivity Reaction?
Winemaker’s Lung
What is the main treatment for Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
High dose corticosteroids
What is Sarcoidosis?
A multisystem disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by non-caeseating inflammatory granulomas
What are the features on X-Ray in a patient with Sarcoidosis?
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
What are the three skin / joint features associated with a patient with Sarcoidosis?
Erythema nodosum - raised bumps under skin
Lupus pernia - purple rash on nose
Polyarthalgia - painful joints
What enzyme and electrolyte disturbance is associated with Sarcoidosis?
Raised ACE Levels
Give 4 examples of conditions which can cause Lower Lung Fibrosis? MIDA
M - Most connective tissue disorders (Except Anonkylosing Spondylitis)
I - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
D - Drug-induced Fibrosis
A - Asbestosis
- What are some changes to the lungs associated with Asbestos?
- Are pleural plaques benign, pre-malignant or malignant?
- Where does Asbestosis typically occur?
- What is the most severe form of Asbestos causing mesothelioma?
- Features of mesothelioma?
- Diagnosis of mesothelioma?
- Pleural plaques, pleural thickening, asbestosis, mesothelioma
- Benign
- Lower zone
- Crocidolite (blue) form
- SOB, chest pain, pleural effusions
- Thoracoscopy, CT, CXR
- What is it?
- What are the associated features?
- What is the management?
- ABA is due an allergy to Aspergillus spores
- Bronchiectasis, raised Eosinophils
- Glucocorticoids, then Itraconazole
- What is it?
- What are some symptoms?
- Main finding on auscultation?
- What are some investigations and findings on spirometry? Other investigations?
- What is the management?
- A chronic lung condition characterised by progressive fibrosis of the interstitium
- Progressive dyspnoea, dry cough, clubbing
- Bilateral fine end inspiratory crackles
- Spirometry: Restrictive picture with REDUCED TLCO, CT shows ground glass appearance
- Pulmonary rehab, Pirfenidone (anti-fibrotic), O2, lung transplant
- What is EEA?
- What is Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis also known as?
- What is Bird Fancier’s Lung caused by?
- What is Farmer’s Lung caused by?
- What is Malt Worker’s lung caused by?
- What is Mushroom Worker’s Lung caused by?
- Where does fibrosis typically occur?
- How is this different to Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergilliosis?
- What is the management?
- A condition caused by hypersensitivity induced lung damage due to a variety of inhaled organic particles
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- Avian protein
- Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula
- Aspergillus clavitus
- Actinomytes
- Upper / mid zones
- EEA = No eosinophillia. ABPA = eosinophillia
- Avoid trigger, glucocorticoids