Interpreting Blood Values Flashcards
elevated PCV
Decreased PCV
Decreased MCV
-artifactual with the use of excess EDTA causing cellular dehydration, as well as hyponatremia causing cellular shrinkage
- can be associated with young animals such as puppies, kittens, calves, and foals
- Associated with certain breeds of dogs and cats.
- Iron deficiency
- often seen with a low MCHC
- Fe- deficiency limits synthesis. Sufficient Hemoglobin provides feedback to stop additional RBC division. therefore Fe-deficient cells undergo additional division than normal resulting in a smaller cell.
- Liver disease- Portosystemic shunts.
MCV above reference interval
artifactual causes:
- agglutination/microagglutination
- analizers detect agglutinated RBC’s as single large cells-> high MCV and Low MCHC
- Prolonged storage causes cellular swelling (often has a decreased MCHC)
- Hyperosmolality ( ie. hypernatremia) causes cellular swelling.
- common in certain breeds of dogs as well as polled herefords
- Regenerative anemia
Abnormal DNA synthesis:
- myelodysplastic syndrome
- Folate deficiency
-Cobalt deficiency
Others: Hyperthyroidism in cats
MCHC above reference level
this doesn’t happen exactly ->RBC cannot pack more hemoglobin than needed into itself.
MCHC below interval
artifact- RBC swelling with storage or hyperosmolality
- Regenerative anemia- immature RBC’s have less hemoglobin than mature RBC’s
-Iron deficiency - animals often anemic by the time there is hypochromasia detected.
-Portosystemic shunt- relative or functional iron deficiency.
what does an increased MCHC mean
Hemolysis, Oxyglobin, Lipemia, Heinz bodies
What is an indicator of a regenerative response in horses?
Can see an increased number of macrocytes (increased MCV) in some regenerative responses
- Serial CBC’s or bone marrow aspirate/biopsy necessary to characterize regenerative response in horses.
Reticulocyte concentration
This is the absolute count
-preferred method for evaluating marrow response to anemia
Corrected reticulocyte percentage
Converts the reticulocyte percentage that it would estimate the RP if the animal were not anemic
True or False: reticulocyte percentage accounts for the degree of anemia
At what point is the CRP considered indicative of regeneration?
A regenerative response is indicated when the CRP is elevated above the reference interval. This response can be categorized as a minimal, mild, moderate, or marked response.
What would the Classic apperance of Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia be?
Regenerative anemia - MCV may be very high due to agglutination Inflammatory leukogram \+/- thrombocytopenia Blood smear - spherocytes - Ghost cells - Agglutination Hyperbillirubinemia - Jaundice/icterus \+/-hemoglobinemia and/or hemoglobinuria \+/- splenomegaly - EMH
Infectious Hemolytic Anemia
Causs include bacterial, viral, and protozoal
Can see some species on a blood smear, but a PCR is mroe sensitive at detecting low numbers of organisms
- confirm with a clinical pathologist
- often biting arthropods (ticks, fleas, flies)
- Blood transfusion
- Dirty needles, surgical instruments, in utero, colostrum
Not every animal becomes clinically anemic after infection and chronic infections are often occult