Interpersonal skills and power games Flashcards
Social Skills Model
Riggio’s model identifies six component sets of skills: Emotional Expressivity Skills, Emotional Sensitivity Skills, Emotional Control Skills, Social Expressivity Skills, Social Sensitivity Skills, and Social Control Skills. Together, these constitute social intelligence, a key attribute of effective leaders.
Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)
The IRI is a tool used to measure an individual’s ability to empathize with others. It includes Perspective-Taking, which measures cognitive empathy, and Empathic Concern, which measures emotional empathy.
Associative Strategies for Gaining Power
These strategies are prestige-based and involve the pursuit of respect and admiration in the eyes of others. They involve working together with and/or benefiting subordinates and trying to attain knowledge, develop skills, and engage in actions likely to bring respect and admiration from other group members.
Dissociative Strategies for Gaining Power
These strategies are dominance-based and involve the use of force, manipulation, and dominance over others. They involve working against and/or sidestepping the interests of others and trying to use intimidation, manipulation, coercion, and threat of aggression to force others to comply with requests.
Determinants of Self-Perceived Volitional Influence
These include actual success or failure of influence attempts, personality traits, lay theories, personal competence, and properties conferred by others, such as status and legitimacy.
Construal of Power
Individuals who construe power in terms of responsibility are likely to view the powerful as having the responsibility for others and consideration for others’ perspectives and interests. Those that view it as an opportunity may have self-serving behaviors.
Expected Nonverbal Behavior of Leaders (Non-Speech Related)
More gazing, less raised eyebrows, more expressive face, more nodding, less self-touch, more other-touch, more arm/hand gestures, more bodily openness, less postural relaxation, more body or leg shifts, smaller interpersonal distance*.
Expected Nonverbal Behavior of Leaders (Speech Related)
More vocal variability, louder voice, more interruptions, less pausing, shorter speech latency, faster speech rate, lower voice pitch, more vocal relaxation, more-speaking time, more visual dominance.