internet gr 11 Flashcards
web evolution
web 1.0 static - only able to view web pages
web 2.0 - can listen to audio, communicate w others, user generated sites, real time notifications
web 3.0 semantic web- blogs, personalised
web 4.0 mobile web, bots, connects devices in real world and virtual world in real time
web 5.0 neural networks
client side scripting
used to make web pages change after they arrive at the browser
makes pages interesting + user friendly
used for appearance + interaction
user requests web page from server
server finds page and sends it to user
page displayed on browser w scripts (set of instructions) running after display
server side scripting
allow users to have individual accounts + provides data from database
allows privacy,personalisation + provision of info
run on server- never seen by user
user requests web page from server
script in page is interpreted by server changing page content to suit user + occasion
comb of client and server side scripting
server side - handle logging in, personal info and preferences + provide data user
client side- page interactive, data displayed and sorted in ways as required by user
small piece of data sent from website + stored in web browser
website made aware of user’s prev activity
makes it easier to visit site again + makes site more useful to you
small text file saved in users browser to store their history and preferences
web based applications
software that runs on web browser
need internet to be accessible (limited functionality, accessible on diff devices-synchronous ,not limited to OS)
google classroom, gmail,docs,sheets
office online, office 365
web based applications advantages
no need to purchase and install software
accessed anywhere any time w internet
not limited by OS
kept up to date
mobile website
web based application run on mobile device
separate site for mobile due to diff in size, OS system + don’t have separate key board
condensed version of full desktop site
content streamlined , large files removed
responsive web
design philosophy and set of techniques to create positive user experiences for devices adapting to screen size
mobile applications.
applications downloaded + installed on mobile devices
can access stuff from Internet or download content so internet connection not required
native mobile apps
written in native development language specific to platform of device (iOS, android)
hybrid mobile apps
blend of native + web solutions
written w cross platform web technology (HTML,CSS,JavaScript)
plugins/extensions - piece of code added that adds functions
design factors to consider for mobile devices
-screens : sensitivity to touch, quality of resolution
processing demands:consider processing specs of smartphone processors
storage demands: mobile devices have limited storage
bandwidth requirements- bandwidth requirements of app important
plug in vs extensions
plug ins- software module to add special feature/customise computer program .exe
extension- small software module that provides customisation of web browser
search engines
program that searches web for specified keywords + returns list of web pages that match criteria