International Finance, IMF, and World Bank Flashcards
When were the IMF and World Bank founded and where/at what conference?
1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, ratified in 1945.
What is the IMF’s mandate?
To ensure the stability of the international monetary system by offering technical assistance and loans to avoid crises in balance of payments.
What part of the IMF mandate is now obsolete and why?
control over exchange rates. Many countries switched to market driven exchange rates
The IMF and World Bank have how many members and are headquartered where?
189, Washington DC.
The IMF and World Bank have what kind of voting structure?
Weighted voting structure by contribution size
What are the key Obligations of IMF members?
- Collaborate with the fund and other members to ensure orderly exchange arrangements
- Avoid manipulating exchange rates
-Accept fund surveillance over the exchange rate policies of members
-provide fund with information necessary for surveillance
-the fund shall oversee the international Monetary system to ensure its effective operation
IMF key structure
Aggregated pool of IMF member funds temporarily made available to members as a lender of last resort
2011 Greek Bailout
Biggest financial bailout in global history. Greece was bailed out by the IMF because of massive trade and budget deficits. IMF organized loans from the richest IMF countries as part of the “Troika” with the EU and ECB.
Compliance with IMF loans
Agreements include: Amount, expected repayment date, criteria to judge countries’ performance. Loans typically given in tranches, and countries must agree to change their policies.
When do IMF countries get loans?
Distress loans are limited to situations when an IMF member has a balance-of-payment problem.
IMF Enforcement
Low level of enforcement. IMF enforcement comes from its control over future resources. IMF often grants waivers for noncompliant loans,
World Bank Mandate
To reduce poverty by lending money of the rich countries to the poor countries for specific development projects, and by providing technical assistance to poor countries
World Bank Key Structures
- $275 Billion aggregated pool of from members
- $60 Billion in loans and credits
-Issues bonds backed by capital in order to raise money for lending
What organizations are in the “World Bank Group?
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) commonly known as the World Bank, International Financial Corporation (IFC), International Development Agency (IDA)
Obligations of the World Bank
Each member state will subscribe to shares of the capital stock of the bank, Resources shall be used exclusively by the members for both development and reconstruction, members will deal with the bank through its fiscal agencies, Each member has 250 votes plus one additional vote per share of stock,
How does the world bank lend?
It raises capital for lending by borrowing from commercial institutions with the credit of its members as collateral. Because of its low default risk it can borrow money cheaply and lend at low interest rates.
Compliance with the World Bank
Project-specific-lending to countries, can lend to private actors with guaranteed state backing
World Bank Enforcement
Relies on states’ concerns with their future borrowing as the lever to induce loan repayment. No enforcement mechanism in agreements.
Why do Governments Manage Money?
1). Use Monetary Policy to stabilize the economy
2). Make the country open to international financial flows
3).Maintain exchange rate stability
How do Governments use Monetary Policy to stabilize the Economy?
Reduce the intensity of economic cycles by increasing interest rates to reduce money supply and slow growth, and lower interest rates to increase money supply and stimulate growth
What is the benefit of allowing money to flow freely across national boarders?
Citizens can invest abroad, foreign investors can bring resources and expertise, Intigrated financial markets produce economic efficiencies
Why is it important to maintain exchange rates?
Big swings in exchange rate cause economic volatility. hard on citizens.
What is the “Trilemma of International Finance?”
Governments cannot simultaneously Use Monetary Policy to stabilize the economy, Make the country open to international financial flows and control exchange rates. Can only get two of three major policy goals. ex. EU uses the ECB to deal with the trilema, many smaller countries peg their currency to USD. etc.
Cooperation Problems of International Finance
The Trilema
What was the Bretton Woods conference?
1944 conference in Bretton Woods, NH that created the IMF and World Bank (IBRD)
What is a Balance-of-Payment Deficit?
Balance-of-Payment deficits occur when a country sends more $ to foreigners than foreigners send to it ie. a country imports more than it exports, which leads to currency devaluation