International Conflict Flashcards
Why is war a cooperation problem?
Because both actors are acting independently in pursuit of their own self-interest which produces an outcome that leaves each of them worse off, ie. the cost of war
Why is War always ex-post inefficient?
Because war is costly and there is always a negotiated agreement states should prefer
What is the relevant counterfactual to war?
a negotiated agreement via bargaining
What are the rational explanations for war?
1). Issue indivisibility
2).Private information and incentives to misrepresent
3).Commitment problems
What is issue indivisibility?
Some issues are not amenable to bargaining because they cannot be easily divided. Removes the option for a pre-war settlement. One side concedes or they go to war
What is private information and incentives to misrepresent?
Each state knows the cost of war for themselves but not for their opponent. This creates the incentive to bluff to force a better bargain. If demands are too big, bargaining may fail
What are commitment problems?
When states cannot credibly commit to a negotiated outcome
What are the two main UN bodies?
The UN Security Council (UNSC) and the UN General Assembly (UNGA)
Egalitarian body, one state one vote, can make “non-binding” recommendations
Unequal representation, can make binding decisions, fifteen members, five permanent members with veto power
UNSC Mandate
To maintain international peace and security
History of Gulf War I
1989-1990 Iraqi Kuwait relations deteriorate, Iraqi debt from war with Iran and oil prices, August 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait
UNSC and Gulf War I
November 29: UNSCR 678 demands withdrawal of Iraqi forces by January 15. Authorizes “all necessary means” to enforce withdrawal