International Development Flashcards
Factors of development:
s=social e=environmental ec=economic
- development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change etc. - ec, e, s
- when a place or country expands their economy and develops their infrastructure - ec
- innovation, new ideas - s, ec
- education for everyone - s, ec
- lower pollution - e
- equality for women - s, ec
- more jobs - ec
- more healthcare - s, ec
- living longer - s
- sustainability - ec
- more money for the country - ec
- fewer children dying - s
What is development?
Development is all about change. It is not just getting richer or having more possessions. It is also about improving the lives of people.
All countries in the world want to develop but some are developing more slowly than others. Some are even going backwards.
Development is not always a good thing for everyone.
What is the definition of development?
The use of resources to improve the standard of living and quality of life of a nation.
Standard of living:
The amount and quality of material goods, facilities and services available to a given population.
It includes basic materials factors such as income, gross domestic product (GPD), life expectancy and economic opportunity.
Quality of life:
The general well-being of a person or society, defined in terms of health and happiness.
What is the GNI?
Gross national income
The GNI is calculated by dividing out the amount of money the country makes over the population.
Low Income Country Examples: -Kenya -Afghanistan -Bangladesh
GNI per capita of 1045 dollars or less.
Newly emerging economy
Examples: BRICS
Brazil Russia India China South Africa
GNI per capita of more than 1045 dollars but less than 12746 dollars.
High Income Country Examples: -USA -UK -Japan
GNI per capita greater than 13000 dollars
How can you measure development?
There is not a single way to calculate a level of development of a country. Geographers use a series of development indicators to compare the development of one country to another.
What is a development indicator?
A development indicator is pieces of data that helps to show how developed a country is.
Water and electricity in a HIC and LIC
Everyone has access to safe water and electricity
Many people have no access to clean, safe water and electricit
Education in a HIC and LIC
All young people go to school, there are good schools
Some children go to school for only a year or two - or never. There are not enough schools or teachers
Poverty in a HIC and LIC
No extreme poverty
Many people live in extreme poverty, with almost northing
Governmental help in a HIC and LIC
People who can’t find work or support themselves get help from the government (like kelp to pay rent)
You get little or no help from the government even if you are starving (a charity might help you)
Healthcare in a HIC and LIC
Good clinics and hospitals
There are not enough hospitals or doctors
Transport in a HIC and LIC
Good transport links (road,railways, airports)
Many roads are just dirt tracks and railways may be run down and need repair
Women in a HIC and LIC
Everyone is treated equally, women have as good as a chance to ear. A living as men
Females usually have less choice than males do. For example, girls may receive less education and be expected to marry young.
Jobs in a HIC and LIC
The % of workers in farming is low
A high % of people live by farming
Shops in a HIC and LIC
Shops sell a big range of goods, from all over the world.
There’s a wide of services (like gyms, cinemas, theatres)
Shops and markets sell only a limited range of goods
What is a GDP
Gross Domestic Product-the total value of all goods and services produced in a country
Why is GDP not a good measurement of development?
GDP is not a good measurement of development because it is only an economic measurement and does not take into account any other aspects of development.
It is only an average, therefore there could be areas of the country which are very rich and very poor but this figure does not show this
Life expectancy
The average age the people of a given population are likely to live
Birth rate
The number of people who are born per 1000 people
Death rate
The number of people who die per 1000 people
% of adult literacy
The % of people who can read and write within a population
GNI (per capita)
The wealth of a country. The total value of goods and services produced by a country plus income from abroad.
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of children who die under the age of two per per 1000 births
Population growth
Whether family trends show lots of people per family or few/nine children per family
Population per doctor
The number of doctors divided by the number of people in the population
% of children who go to school
The number of children who regularly go to school
% in agriculture
The number of people who work in farming and therefore primary industry
Calories consumed per person per day
The number of calories eaten each day and divided by the population
HDI (human development index)
Measure relative social and economic progress of a country
What is the capital city of Qatar?
What is the GNI per capita of Qatar?
61,650 USD
What is the population density of Qatar?
239.59 inhabitants per km square
What is the life expectancy in Qatar?
77.98 years
What is the adult literacy rate in Qatar?
93.47% of the population
What percentage of Qatar is an Internet user?
99.7% of the population
An area (country) surrounded by land with no ocean or coastline.