International Continued Flashcards
EXW - ExWorks
Represents the sellers minimum obligation.
FCA - Free Carrier
Means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place.
CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid
Same as CPT, with exception the seller has to get insurance against loss or damage to goods.
CPT - Carriage Paid To
Seller delivers good to the carrier nominated but seller must also pay cos of carriage to bring goods to destination.
DAT - Delivered at Terminal
Seller pays for carriage to terminal apart from costs related to import clearance.
DAP - Delivered at Place
Seller pays for carriage to named place, apart from costs related to import clearance.
DDP - Delivered duty paid
Maximum obligation to seller.
Where do you get international driving permits.
Post offices only.
Fine for an illegal immigrant found in a vehicle?
£10,000 for the operator and £10,000 for the driver.
How often should a TIR carnet certificate of approval be renewed?
Every 2 years.