Internal Regulation Flashcards
Self-regulating process by which living
organisms can maintain internal stability while
adjusting to changing external conditions.
- Receptor, effector and control center
Homeostatic process that maintains a steady
internal body temperature despite changes in
external conditions.
- Maintaining a body temperature within a tight
range (36.5-37.5)
It allows for the enzymes and immune
responses of the body to maintain proper
All the temperature mechanisms continually attempt to bring the body temperature back to
this set point.
Set Point
Defined as the process of maintaining
homeostasis through the adaptive change of
the organism’s internal environment to meet
perceived and anticipated demands.
A way to maintain our body’s constant
temperature while at rest.
Basal Metabolism
Associated with this maintaining regulation as it
is the amount of energy expressed in calories
that is needed for a person to keep the body
function at rest.
Basal Metabolic Rate
Maintaining a body’s temperature is essential
for surviving.
- A body can regulate through the process of
adding internal energy use such as adding heat,
convection, conduction, radiation, and
Controllinf Temperature
Also known as “cold-blooded” organisms.
- Lacks the internal, physiological mechanism of
temperature regulation.
- only accomplished via choosing locations in the
environment meaning that the body
temperature matches that of the environment.
- They try to change their environment to
regulate their temperature.
Also known as “warm blooded” animals.
- They use their internal physiological
mechanisms to maintain their body
- The process of maintaining their temperature or
regulating it is through shivering (decreasing
blood flow to the skin) and fluffing of fur to
increase insulation.
- Mostly mammals and birds
Normal temperature of the human body is
37 Celsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit.
human body’s core temperature
is lower than 35 Celsius or 90 Fahrenheit
also known as goosebumps also
occurs, leading to heat trapping.
when dehydrated cells are caused by freezing of extracellular water in the body.
heat stroke (temperature about
105 F
Our body temperature regulation is
predominantly dependent upon this area.
Preoptic Area/Anterior Hypothalamus
The human body’s thermostat.
- Sets the body’s set point and regulates
temperature homeostasis.