Internal factors Flashcards
what do studies show about labelling?
Studies show that teachers label students regardless of their ability of attitudes but rather on the basis of assumptions.
What does Howard Becker (1971) say?
through interactionist study of labelling and he found that teachers judges students how closely they fit the image of an ‘ideal pupil’
middle- class close to ideal and working class are far due to bad behaviour.
Hempel- Jorgensen (2009)
-Staff at Aspen said discipline was a major problem and the ideal pupil was seen as passive and obedient. Children were based on behaviour and not ability.
-Rowan the ideal pupil - the ideal child was defined terms of personality and academic ability.
What did Dunne et al (2008) state ?
schools persistently produce working class underachievement due to labels and assumptions of teachers. They found that teachers ‘normalised’ the underachievement of working-class pupils and do not seem concerned about it whereas they seem concerned when it comes to middle class.
why was this?
This because the teachers believe in the role of pupils home background. They believed that working class parents are not interested in their children’s education. whereas middle class parents were seen as supportive.
how do teachers deal with pupils from different classes.
Teachers set extension work for the underachieving middle class pupils, but entering working class students for easier exams. teachers also underestimated working pupils potential and those who were doing well were seen as overachieving.
what is the self fulfilling prophecy?
a prediction that comes true simply by internalising the label.
what are the steps?
1~ Teacher labels a pupil
2~Teacher treats pupil according to label.
3~Pupil internalises the teachers expectation.
teachers expectations
Rosenthal et al (1968)
Iq test
labelled 20% as spurters
almost half of those who they labeled as spurters made a significant process.
What is streaming ?
Streaming involves separating children into different ability groups called ‘streams’.
how does streaming affect someone.
Once streamed it is usually streamed it is difficult to move up to a higher stream. which creates a self fulfilling prophecy.
middle class students benefit from the streaming as they gain confidence and motivation to get better grades.
How do teachers stream working class students.
teachers are more likely to see working class and black students as having low ability and as a result are more likely to be placed in low streams and lowers their opportunity to get better in exams thus increasing the gap in achievement.
A-to-C Gilborn and Youdell
Schools focus their time, efforts and resources on those pupils who they see getting potential to get 5 grade C’s and above ad boost the school’s league table position.
what are the three types of categories of educational triage ?
- Those who will pass anyways and do not need educational support
- Those who have the potential, who will be helped to get a grade C or better.
-hopeless cases, who are doomed to fail
what is a subculture?
A group pupils who share similar beliefs and values.
What are Lacey (1970’s) concepts
Differentiation: Process of teachers putting students into streams based on perception
Polarisation: process in which students react to these perceptions by moving to one of two opposite poles.
What is the result of the anti- school subculture?
Hargreaves found that a similar response for labelling and streaming.
Boys in lower sets were seen as ‘triple failures and worthless louts ‘ after putting them in lower sets setting them up for failure after forming anti school subcultures.
what is pro school subcultre
largely middle class
pupils that are placed in high streams and are committed to the values of the school and gain their status through academic success.
What does ball say about abolishing streaming?
he is in favour of mixed ability groups as it removed polarization.
although differentiation continued.
This positive labelling was reflected in their better exam results, suggesting the self fulfilling prophecy.
class inequality continues as a result of teacher labelling.
what are the variety of pupil responses?
-Ingratiation: being the ‘teacher pet’
-ritualism: staying out of trouble
-retreatism: daydreaming and misbehaving.
-rebellion: rejection of school values
what are the criticisms of labelling theory
-fuller study on black girls
-deterministic- it believes that pupils have no choice but to self fulfil the prophecy. (Fuller study)
-Marxists criticise them for ignoring the wider structures of power within which labelling takes place.
Teachers work in a system that reproduces class divisions.
what does habitus mean ?
Refers to the ways of thinking, acting that are shared by a certain social class it includes their tastes and preferences about lifestyle.
middle class is superior.
what is symbolic capital
as school is a middle class habitus, students who are socialised into middle class habitus and they are more likely it gain symbolic capital which is the status and recognition from the school and to be deemed as worth of having value
What is symbolic violence ?
Working class pupils habitus is deemed as inferior, symbolic violence reproduces class structure and keeps the lower class ‘in their place’. Due to the clash of habitus working class pupils may feel alienated.
what does Archer belief
For working class students to become successful that embrace the middle class habitus therefore lose themselves.
What is the nike identity?
Result of symbolic violence that led them to seek alternative ways of creating self-worth
What is ‘social suicide’
Styled performance was heavily policed by peer groups and not conforming was social suicide. Wearing the ‘correct clothes’ you gained symbolic capital from pees.
What did Archer argue about mc and wc habitus?
The middle class habitus stigmatised the working class pupils identities. Middle class see this nike identity as tasteless.
What two rejections does the nike identity play in wc pupils rejection in higher education?
Unrealistic: not for ‘people like us’ as they would not fit in.
Undesirable: would not suit their preferred lifestyle or habitus.
How does the nike identity cause marginalisation ?
Through self exclusion and and elimination as it does not fit in with their preferred identity.
What was Ingrams research ?
Two groups of boys from deprived areas. One group were students of a grammar school and one group were students of a local secondary school. The grammar school had high expectations for academic achievement whereas the local secondary school had low expectations for their underachieving pupils.
The boys who went to a grammar school found more tension to fit in between the habitus of their working class neighbourhood and that of a middle class school.
callum and tracksuit
what was Evans (2008)
working class girls from south london found they were reluctant to apply for elite universities such as oxbridge.
4 of the 21 intended to move away for university
self exclusion from elite universities narrows options for many working class pupils and limits their success.
What is the relationship between internal and external factors.
- conflict of working class pupils habitus and identity and school.
-Restricted speech code
-Dunne et al
-poverty - Wider external factors: ( A-to-C, GCSE league table.)