External Factors / Ethnicity Flashcards
What are the three types of inadequate socialisation at home argued by cultural deprivations ?
- intellectual and linguistic skills
-attitudes and values - family structure and parental support
What do cultural deprivation is argue about low income black families?
They lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences which leaves them poorly equipped for school because they have not been able to develop reasoning and problems skills
How do Engleman et al language spoken by low income black American families ?
They view it as ungrammatical disjointed and incapable of expressing abstract ideas thus inadequate for educational success.
What did Gilborn and Mirza find?
Indian pupils do well despite often not having English as their home language which criticises the thought that children who do not speak English at home may be held back educationally
What do cultural deprivationalists see as a major cause of the failure of many black children ?
Lack of motivation as most children are socialised into the mainstream culture which instill ambition and competitiveness are necessary sacrifices to achieve a long time ago. However many black children are socialised into a culture that still a fatalistic “live for today “ attitude which keeps them uneqipped for success.
What do cultural deprivation theorists argue about family structure ?
The failure to socialise children adequately is the result of a distinct dysfunctional family structure .
What does Moynihan argue ?
Many black families are headed by lone mothers and their children are deprived of adequate care because she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner
What does Moynihan see as cultural deprivation?
He sees it as a cycle where in adequately socialised children from unstable families go on to fail at school and become inadequate parents themselves
What does the new right Murray say about lone parent households ?
A lack of positive male role models and high rates of lone parenthood can lead to the under achievement of some minorities.
What does Pryce say about family structure ?
He claims Asians are high achievers because of their culture is more resistance to racism and gives them a great sense of self worth. However black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and less resistant to racism as a result. Money students have low self-esteem and underachieve.
How does price explain this ?
Slavery was culturally devastating as they lost their language, religion and inside family systems where Asians family structures, languages and religions were not destroyed by colonial rule
What does Sewel argue ?
The lack of fatherly nurturing or tough love leads black boys into street gangs which offer loyalty and love
What did most of the academically successful black boys argue was the biggest obstacle?
Pressure from other boys and resistance from powerful anti-educational peer group pressure
What does critical race theorist Gilborn argue?
It is not peer pressure but institutional racism within the education system which produces daily of a large number of black boys
What did Lupton argue about family structure in Asian families?
Adult authority Asian families is similar to the model that operates in school. This had a knock on effect at school.
What did Andrew McCulloch find?
In a survey of 16,000 peoples he found that minority pupils are more likely to expire to go to university rather than white British pupils
How does driver criticise cultural deprivation theory?
For ignoring the positive effects of ethnicity and achievement dysfunctional black Caribbean families provide girls with positive role models of strong independent woman. This is why black girls tend to do better in education compared to black boys.
How does Lawrence challenge prices views?
Black pupils do not feel because they’re culture is weak and they like self-esteem. It is because of racism.
What does keddie cultural deprivation as?
As victim blaming and ethnic minority children are not culturally deprived but culturally different
What are some problems based in employment according to Palmer?
- ethnic minorities are almost twice as likely to be unemployed compared with whites
-Almost half of all ethnic minority children live in low income household as against a quarter of white children
Why is this?
-Many live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment and low wages
-Asylum seekers may not be able to work
-Racial discrimination in the labour market
What does Rex say about racial discrimination?
Racial discrimination leads to social exclusion.