Interior Skull Flashcards
What 3 arteries supply blood to the dura?
middle meningeal artery (80%), accessory meningeal artery, small meningeal artery
middle meningeal is off maxillary, through foramen spinosum, and has frontal and parietal branches
accessory meningeal artery through foramen ovale
What dural sinuses are within the falx cerebri?
The superior sagittal, the inferior sagittal, and the straight
The dural sinus present in the falx cerebelli is the occipital
What type of hemorrhage occurs when blood collects between calvaria and periosteal layer of dura?
extradural hemorrhage, typically due to rupture of meningeal artery
happens because of skull fracture, doesn’t cross suture line because the dura is firmly attached to sutures
lens shaped hematoma
What is the posterior cranial fossa supplied by? (innervation)
upper cervical nerves and CN 10
What passes through the internal acoustic meatus?
CN 7 and 8
What do the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone form? (This is a space)
The superior orbital fissure, lots of things pass through here
What are the holes and spaces of the posterior cranial fossa?
Foramen magnum, jugular foramen, internal acoustic meatus, hypoglossal canal
What are the dural infoldings?
Falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli
What passes through the jugular foramen?
CN 9, CN 10, CN 11
Inferior petrosal sinus
This is at the base of the petrosal part of the bone
several sinuses converge towards the jugular foramen to form the internal jugular vein
What is the space between cerebral hemispheres?
Falx cerebri- this attaches to crista galli, the frontal crest, and the internal occipital protuberance
The dura mater has 2 layers and something else. What are they?
Periosteal layer (most superficial) Membranous layer (deeper) Dural sinuses that contain venous blood
The cavernous sinus is located bilaterally, lateral to the sella turcia. What is found within (2) and lateral (4) to the sinus?
the internal carotid artery and CN 6 are within while CN 3, 4, V1, and V2 lie in the lateral wall of the sinus
What passes through the foramen magnum?
Brain stem/spinal cord, vertebral arteries, CN XI (accessory nerve)
What is the smallest and shallowest cranial fossa? This is where the bulk of the cerebrum sits.
The most inferior and deepest is the posterior cranial fossa where the cerebellum sits
What type of hemorrhage occurs when blood collects between the meningeal layer of the dura and the arachnoid layer?
subdural hemorrhage, typically due to rupture of veins draining into dural venous sinuses
spread of blood is not confined to dural attachment sutures –> cresent shaped
Where does the transverse dural sinus travel? (From and to)
From the confluence, to the sigmoid
What separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum?
Tentorium cerebelli
It attaches to the falx cerebri, occipital bone, and petrosal part of the temporal
It has a free edge that allows the 2 hemispheres to connect via the corpus collosum
What interconnects the two inferior petrosal and cavernous sinuses with internal vertebral plexus?
basilar sinus
What are the bones of the middle cranial fossa?
Sphenoid, temporal