intergp conflict Flashcards
what intergp conflict?
disagreement to gp member that involve physical violence
types of belief that commonly lead to intergp conflict(SIVIDH)
superior-belief she better
vulnerabilty-vul nerable to harm other
distrust-not trust
helplessness-person not feel powerless
intergp vs intargp-intergp between another team
factor intergp conflict
gp size
goal incompatibility
gp in roder to survive
structural factor-social inequality is the equal distribution of resource,power,and status witgin a society
why big gp make more conflict?
many people,many thinking that cause have different thinking .d
why goal incompatibilty make conflict?
because someone want achieve and someone want to prevent
why composition make conflict?
because have heterogenous-not the same thinking different opionin
cause lead to intergp conflict
individual different
perceived bias
poor communicate
resolution intergp conflict
common goal
open communication
why common goal can solution the intergp conflict
sometime goal we want to achieve need team work because of that the gp become coheniveness
why demonstationcan solution intergp cconflict
because of the fair
why open communication make solution intergp
encourage employee to speak up if there something disagree.
benefit team conflict
awareness experiencing team member that improve member productivity
-process improvement
-create solution
why conflict can make process improvement?
because want wrong and right went we open communication
impact conflict
communication with suffer
why conflict gp make distraction
if we fail to solution this conflict we get more distance