attractive Flashcards
how do we get attracted to other and how do we select by
internal determinants
external determinants
factor based on interaction with other
internal determinants of attaction
tendency to affiliate has a neurobiological basis.
affiliate by internal
individual difference
culture and gender
individual difference by affiliate
tend to seek and optimal amount of social contact affiliation is not fulfilled,an individual feel hurt,sad and angry because feel that he does not belong.however some people show a dismmisiing avoidant attachment style which they tend to avoid close relationship
influence of situation by affiliate
generally observed that after accidents or natural disasters,people come together to help and comfort each other.affilation provides an oppotunity to communicate,compare oneself to other people and make a decision-gives cognitive and emotional clarity to the individual.
affiliate culture and gender
-also shaped by culrtural variables.
reseacrh has shown that people living individuals cultures have a greater affiliation need as they have bto develop relationships on their own,they must learn to establish relationship in various social settings.