altruism and anggression Flashcards
what is altruism
unselfish concern for other people doing thing simply out of desire to help that involves acting
egoistic view
stop to appear caring in front of their new partner
types of altruism
genetic altruism-help close with same blood like family
reciprocal-mutual give and take relationship it invovles helping another person now
gp select-enganging in altruistic acts for people based upon their gp affilation.
pure altruism-helping someone else,even when it is risky,without any rewards
pure altruism
helping someone without want any reward
gp selected altuism
help gp affilation only
genetic alturism
help someone who has same blood
reciprocal altruism
mutual give and take relationship it involves helping another now .
why would engage in behavior that favor another over ourselves?
emphactic motivation
collectivism-we are motivated to improved the wellbeing of the gp to which we belong
how to keep altriusm?
find inspiration
practice emphaty
set a goal
make it a habit
means aggresion
behavior that is intended to harm individual who does not wish to be harmed
subset of aggresion
types of aggression
emotional or impulsive aggresion
instrumental or cognitive aggresion
what emotional or impulsive aggresion
occur with only a small amount forethought
-like yeel
instrumental or cognitive aggresion
aggresion that have been planned
physical aggrresion
involves harming other physical like hitting
non-physical aggrresion
not hitting but aggressive without appering to other to be aggressing
-just using verbal aggresion like-yell,screaming,swearing,gossip,bullying