Inter-war domestic developments in European states (1918–1939) Flashcards
What was the Dawes Plan?
$200m in loans to help recover the German economy.
What was the Young Plan?
Reduced reparations to be paid to $121bn and floated another loan totalling $300m.
What was the economic situation of German industry by 1927?
Industry recovered to pre-war levels but was still significantly behind other European countries.
What was the state of German agriculture by 1928?
It never recovered to pre-war levels, and half of all farmers were selling at a loss due to falling grain prices.
What was the unemployment rate in Weimar Germany by 1929?
1.9 million people were unemployed.
What impact did the Great Depression have on Weimar Germany?
It undid the good work of Stresemann and led to the downfall of the Weimar Republic.
Who was elected in 1925 and what was his political stance?
Hindenburg was elected and was ultra-conservative, wanting a return to the monarchy.
What was the significance of the May 1928 elections?
70% of the vote went to pro-democracy parties, indicating some political stability.
What was the Locarno Pact?
Stresemann accepted Germany’s Western borders, assuring European security and better relations with France.
What was Germany’s status in the League of Nations in 1926?
Germany was accepted as a member and became a permanent member with the right to veto.
What was the Treaty of Berlin (1926)?
It improved relations with the USSR and facilitated further economic and military exchanges.
What was the social atmosphere in Weimar Germany?
There was a cultural shift with experimental media, expressionism, and a greater sexualisation of women.
What was the impact of the ‘stab in the back’ myth?
It challenged the narrative of Germany’s defeat in WWI and was addressed in literature like ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’.
What was Mussolini’s aim regarding the Italian economy?
To achieve autarky to prepare for war.
What was the outcome of the Battle for the Lira?
Initially successful in reducing inflation, but ultimately led to a decline in the standard of living.
What was the Lateran Treaty (1929)?
It recognized the Vatican as an official state and improved relations between Mussolini and the Catholic Church.
What was Mussolini’s policy towards women?
He aimed to reinforce traditional roles and increase the birth rate, but largely failed to achieve his goals.
What was the significance of the Ebert-Groener deal?
It consolidated support for the Weimar government in exchange for military backing.
What did conservatives vote for during the Weimar government?
Conservatives seemed to be voting for more right wing parties, always opposing the liberalism of the Weimar government.
Who led the Weimar government from 1929-1926?
The Weimar government was led by Ebert and Stresemann.