Intelligence Flashcards
What is Intelligence?
The Ability to use one’s mind to solve novel problems and learn from experience.
Who is Henry Goddard?
One of first to measure intelligence; used to discriminate Ellis Island immigrants.
Why were intelligence tests created?
Originally developed to help underprivileged children succeed in school
Who developed the first intelligence test?
Alfred Binet + Theodore Simon
- measured aptitude apart from achievement
- identify children who needed remedial education.
What is Ratio IQ?
Statistic obtained by dividing a person’s mental age by his physical age then multiplying by 100
What is Deviation IQ?
Statistic obtained by dividing a person’s test score by the avrg test score of people in the same age group then x 100
What can Intelligence test predict?
- Predict academic performance, occupational status, job performance, and income
- Can correlate with a wide variety of successful life events and accomplisments
Charles Spearman
Person who set out to discover if there was a hierarchy of abilities and correlations
-found correlations among many cognitive tasks
Louis Thurston
Confirmed that both Spearman and Thurstone were correct; there were correlations between scores on diff mental ability test
Robert Sternberg
3 kinds of intelligence
- Analytical
- Creative
- Practical
Emotionally intelligent people
- Can identify, describe, and manage their emotions
- know how to use emotions for decisions
- can identify other peoples emotions from facial expressions + tone
- better social skills + more friends
- less resource when solving emotional problems
Emotional Intelligence
Ability to reason about emotions and to use emotions to enhance reasoning.
Fluid Intelligence
Ability to reason and think flexibly/ abstractly and solve problems
Crystallized Intelligence
Based upon facts and rooted in experiences
Heritability Coefficient
Statistic that describes the proportion of the difference between people’s IQ scores and differences in their genes.