Intellectual Development: Infancy and Early Childhood Language Development Flashcards
What is language acquisition?
Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and words and sentences to communicate.
What does a language acquisition device do?
A language acquisition device is a hypothetical module of the human mind posited to account for children’s innate predisposition for language acquisition. First proposed by Noam Chomsky in the 1960s.
What does Chomsky believe?
Chomsky believes that we are born with a predisposition to learn language. The essence of his theories of language acquisition state that human beings are pre-wired to learn language and in fact are born with the basic rules for language intact.
What are the different stages?
The pre-linguistic period: birth- 10 months old
The holophrastic period: 12-18 months
The telegraphic period: 2-3 years
The complex period: 3-5 years
What is the language development like at around 3 months?
At around 3 months, infants begin to make babbling noises as they learn to control the muscles associated with speech around the mouth, lips and tongue.
What is the language development like at around 12 months?
At around 12 months, infants begin to imitate sounds made by main cared such as da-da, this then develops into single words.
What is the language development like at around 2 years?
At around the age of 2, the infants begin to make two-word sentences, such as ‘teddy gone’, they begin to build on their vocabulary, from cad to blue car.
What is the language development like at around 3 years?
At around the age of 3, children begin to make simple sentences, such as I want a drink. This develops into the ability to ask questions ‘when we go’. Knowledge words grow rapidly.
What is the language development like at around 4 years?
Children begin to use clear sentences that can be understand by strangers.
What is the language development like at around 5 years?
Children speak using full adult grammar, expected to use language effectively.
What can a child around the age of 4-8 do?
- blow bubbles
- watch and listen to others
- joining in with action rhymes and songs
- looking at picture books
What can young children do?
- take part in listening in groups
- allow set listening and talking times
- taking part in speaking in groups
- imaginary play with toys speaking to each other
- sharing personal stories and rhymes
- play word and games