Integumentary System Flashcards
name the seven functions of the skin:
protective coating, temporary storage of fat glucose salt and water, regulates body temperature, screens out uv rays, makes vitamin d, absorbs drugs, and provides sensory functions
what are the three layers of skin?
the epidermis, dermis, and the subcutaneous layer
what is the outermost layer of the epidermis called?
the stratum corneum
how many layers does the epidermis have?
5 layers
what does the stratum corneum defend the body against?
what is the purpose of papillae?
to help with grip
melanocytes contain a pigment called what?
what does melanin do?
it gives color to the skin
which layer of skin contains connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve endings, muscles, hair follicles, and oil and sweat glands?
the dermis/the middle layer of skin
what layer is below the dermis?
the subcutaneous layer
what is the subcutaneous layer made of?
loose connective tissue
what is the part of the hair that is implanted in the skin?
the root
what is the hollow tube the hair root is implanted in called?
the follicle
what is the visible part of the hair called?
the shaft
what is the outer layer of hair called?
the cortex
what is the inner layer of hair called?
the medulla
what condition occurs when normal hair is replaced by very short, transparent hair?
what muscle causes the skin to pucker around a hair when exposed to a sudden chill?
the arrector pili muscle
what is the medical term for sweat glands?
sudoriferous glands
where are sudoriferous glands mainly found?
on the palms, soles of feet, and underarm areas
the secretions from the sudoriferous glands produce an odor when they are mixed with what?
what is the medical term for glands that produce oil?
sebaceous glands
what is the oil that is secreted from the sebaceous glands called?
what common chronic disorder of the sebaceous glands is caused by overproduction of sebum?
acne vulgaris
what is inflammation of the skin that produces a rash caused by coming into contact with a substance or by stress called?
contact dermatitis
what type of burn is superficial?
first degree burns
what type of burn causes blisters?
second degree burns
what type of burn causes complete destruction of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer and can be life-threatening?
third degree burns
what type of burn is the most painful?
second degree burns
do third degree burns hurt? why or why not?
no they are not painful because the burn also destroys the nerves
what type of skin cancer may appear suddenly as a brown, irregular patch?
a malignant melanoma
what is the primary cause of skin cancer?
uv rays/the sun
what disorder of the integumentary system can cause potential infection of a newborn baby?
genital herpes
what condition is contagious, causes cracks and scaling and is usually contracted in public showers or baths?
athlete’s foot
what is the medical term for the nail bed?
the matrix
the hair follicle originates in which layer of the skin?
the dermis
which layer of skin is nonvascular?
the epidermis
the breakdown of which protein causes the skin to sag and wrinkle?
what is the medical term for the clear, scaly layer of keratin on a strand of hair?
the cuticle
what is the indentation at bottom of a hair follicle that has blood vessels that nourishes the hair called?
the papilla
what is the visible part of a nail that is made out of keratin called?
the nail plate
what is the skin beneath the nail plate called?
the nail bed
what is the crescent moon-shaped part of the nail called?
the lunula