intake and evaluation Flashcards
Evaluate reason for referral
people who have all ranges of artistic skill
willingness to try something new
research based: most effective for child / adolescents with trauma
Collaborate with client regarding the treatment plan
Observe dynamics of the session
interpersonal interactions
Accommodate clients’ communication and learning styles
language barriers
Administer an informal art therapy assessment
non-standardized methods used to evaluate a person’s skills, knowledge, or emotional state in a less structured environment
Evaluate art product, process, and other data derived from the assessment
Analyze and interpret results
formal elements
formal elements of art
Shape and Form
Tone / Value
Conduct mental status examination
Appearance: How does the patient look? Neatly dressed with clear attention to detail? Well groomed?
Level of alertness: Is the patient conscious? If not, can they be aroused? Can they remain focused on your questions and conversation? What is their attention span?
Speech: Is it normal in tone, volume and quantity?
Behavior: Pleasant? Cooperative? Agitated? Appropriate for the particular situation?
Awareness of environment, also referred to as orientation: Do they know where they are and what they are doing here? Do they know who you are? Can they tell you the day, date and year?
Mood: How do they feel? Is it appropriate for their current situation?
Affect: How do they appear to you? Do they make eye contact? Are they excitable? Does the tone of their voice change? Common assessments include: flat (unchanging throughout), excitable, appropriate.
Thought Process: This is a description of the way in which they think. Are their comments logical and presented in an organized fashion? If not, how off base are they? Do they tend to stray quickly to related topics? Are their thoughts appropriately linked or simply all over the map?
Thought Content: A description of what the patient is thinking about. Are they paranoid? Delusional (i.e. hold beliefs that are untrue)? If so, about what? Phobic? Hallucinating (you need to ask if they see or hear things that others do not)? Fixated on a single idea? If so, about what. Is the thought content consistent with their affect? If there is any concern regarding possible interest in committing suicide or homicide, the patient should be asked this directly, including a search for details (e.g. specific plan, time etc.). Note: These questions have never been shown to plant the seeds for an otherwise unplanned event and may provide critical information, so they should be asked!
Memory: Short term memory is assessed by listing three objects, asking the patient to repeat them to you to insure that they were heard correctly, and then checking recall at 5 minutes. Long term memory can be evaluated by asking about the patients job history, where they were born and raised, family history, etc.
Ability to perform calculations: Can they perform simple addition, multiplication? Are the responses appropriate for their level of education? Have they noticed any problems balancing their check books or calculating correct change when making purchases? This is also a test of the patient’s attention span/ability to focus on a task.
Judgment: Provide a common scenario and ask what they would do (e.g. “If you found a letter on the ground in front of a mailbox, what would you do with it?”).
Higher cortical functioning and reasoning: Involves interpretation of complex ideas. For example, you may ask them the meaning of the phrase, “People in glass houses should not throw stones.” A few common interpretations include: concrete (e.g. “Don’t throw stones because it will break the glass”); abstract (e.g. “Don’t judge others”); or bizarre.
Evaluate risk of harm to self and/or others
Columbia evaluation
-Suicidal ideation
Wish to be Dead
Non-Specific Active Suicidal Thoughts
Active Suicidal Ideation with Any Methods (Not Plan) without Intent to Act
Active Suicidal Ideation with Some Intent to Act, without Specific Plan
Active Suicidal Ideation with Specific Plan and Intent
-Suicidal Behavior
actual attempt
Interrupted Attempt
Aborted Attempt or Self-Interrupted Attempt
Preparatory Acts or Behavior
Provide the client with clear guidelines for participation
use of materials
interpersonal behavior
other ethical/legal considerations
Obtain demographic information and relevant history
biopsychosocial eval
age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, homeownership, and level of education.
family history and significant past events
medical history
Introduce the art therapy process
Kinesthetic, sensory, perceptual, and symbolic opportunities invite alternative modes of receptive and expressive communication
Evaluate appropriateness of art therapy
Address the client’s treatment needs by selecting initial interventions
Formulate initial art therapy treatment plan and goals
Refer for additional evaluations/services by other professionals
Evaluate and address client’s evolving treatment needs by continually adapting interventions
Modify art therapy goals as necessary
Determine client termination criteria
Assess client’s development phases (e.g., cognitive, psychosocial) through art and behavior
Coordinate treatment plan with relevant professionals
Obtain and review relevant records from other professionals
Review and obtain informed consent and release of information forms