diagnoses and populations Flashcards
Anxiety Disorders
features of excessive fear and anxiety
differ from one another in types of objects or situations that induce fear, anxiety, or avoidance behavior and cognitive ideation
highly comorbid with each other
excessive or persisting beyond dev appropriate periods
persistent (6 months or more)
many dev in childhood and persist
most occur in females 2:1
selective mutism
consistent failure to speak in specific social situation
at least 1 month
associated features: excessive shyness, fear of social embarrassment, social isolation, withdrawal, clinging, compulsive traits, negativism, temper tantrums, mild oppositional behavior
DD: communication disorders, neurodev, schizophrenia, social anxiety
comorbidity: other anxiety disorders
specific phobia
marked fear or anx about specific object or situation
object or situation almost always provokes immediate fear or anx
object or situation is actively avoided or endured with intense fear or anx
fear or anx is out of proportion to actual danger
persistent 6+ months
sometimes dev following traumatic event
DD: agoraphobia, social anxiety, separation anx, panic dis, ocd, trauma and stressor related, eating, schizophrenia
comorbidity: depression, anx, bipolar, substance related, somatic symptom, personality dis
social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
fear or anx about one or more social situations in which ind is exposed to possible scrutiny by others
fear they will act in way or show anx symptoms that will be neg evaluated
social situations almost always provoke fear or anx
multiple DDs
comorbidity: other anx, major dep, substance use
panic disorder
recurrent unexpected panic attacks
persistent concern or worry about additional panic attacks
Risk / prognostic: neg affect, anx, sex and phy abuse, smoaking, poss genes
comorbidity: anx, major dep, bipolar, mild alcohol use
fear or anxiety about two or five situations:
using public transportation
open spaces
enclosed places
standing in line or being in crowd
being outside home alone
thoughts that escape might be difficult or unavailable
resk / prog:
behavioral inhibition and neurotic desposition, anx sensitivity, ACEs, heritability 61%
comorbidity: anx, depressive, ptsd, alcohol use
generalized anxiety disorder
excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than for for number of events or activities
difficult to control worry
three symptoms:
easily fativured
difficulty concentrating
muscle tension
sleep disturbance
behavioral inhibition, negative affect, harm avoidance
comorbidity: anx, unipolar depressive
substance / medication - induced anxiety disorder
panic attacks or anx is predominant
symptoms dev during or soon after substance intoxication or withdrawal
substance/med is capable of producing symptoms
anxiety disorder dure to another medical condition
panic attacks or anx is predominant
disturbance is direct consequence of another med condition
lab assessments / medical exam necessary to confirm diagnosis
other specified anxiety disorder
presentations in which symptoms characteristic of anxity disorder predominate but dont meet full criteria for other disorders
limited symptom attacks
generalized anxiety not occurring more days than not
“wind attacks”
“attack of nerves” ataque de nervios
panic attack
abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches peak within minutes, and during which time multiple physical symptoms arise
shortness of breath
chest pain
chills or heat
parasthesias (tingling)
derealization (unreality)
fear of losing control
fear of dying
separation anxiety disorder
dev inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those whom ind is attached
may be associated w/ increased risk for suicide
children: highly comorbid with generalized anxiety and specific phobia
adults: common comorbidities specific phobia, ptsd, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, ocd, personality disorders, depressive, bipolar
emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat
associated w/ surges of autonomic arousal necessary for fight or flight, thoughts of immediate danger, and escape behaviors
anticipation of future threat
muscle tension and vigilance
cautious or avoidant behaviors
Depressive Disorders
presenece of sad, empty, or irritable mood
accompanied by somatic and cognitive changes that significantly affect capacity to function
differences: duration, timing, or presumed etiology
Art therapy for depression
greatest challenge is to untangle various symptomatic behaviors of depression because some may be part of the teen’s stage of maturation and others may be reactions to life circumstances, or even physical illness
art offers control of communication
feel omnipotent
externalize problems
disruptive mod dysregulation disorder
severe recurrent temper outbursts manifested verbally and/ or behaviorally that are grossly out of proportion in intensity or duration to situation or provocation
temper outbursts inconsistent with dev level
temper outbursts occur three or more times / week
mood btwn outbursts is persistently irritable or angry
criteria are present in at least two settings and are severe in at least one
first diagnosis between 6 and 18 with age of onset before 10
risk / prog:
chronic irritability, ADHD
ODD, mood, anx, ASD
major depressive disorder
five or more symptoms during same 2 week period
depressed mood
loss of interest or pleasure
significant weight loss
insomnia or hypersomnia
psychomotor agitation
feelings of worthlessness
diminished ability to think
recurrent thoughts of death
risk / prog:
neuroticism, ACEs, genetic, major nonmood disorders
comorbidity: substance related, panic, ocd, anorexia, builimia, borderline
persistent depressive disorder
depressed mood for most of day for more days than not
presence, while depressed of two..
poor appetite or overeating
insomnia or hypersomnia
low energy or fatigue
low self esteem
poor concentration
feelings of hopelessness
criteria for MDD present for 2 yuears
never been manic episode or hypomanic episode
risk / prog: neuroticism, poorer global function, anx or conduct disorder, parental loss or separation, poss polysomnographic abnormalities
comorbidity: anx, substance use, personality disorders
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
in majority of menstrual cycles, at least 5 symptoms in final week before onset on memses, start to improve w/in few days after, and become min or absent in week post
affective lability
irritability or anger
depressed mood
decreased interest in usual activities
difficulty in concentration
easy fatigability
change in appetite
hypersomnia or insomnia
breast tenderness, joint or muscle pain, bloating, or weight gain
risk and prog:
stress, interpersonal trauma, seasonal changes, oral contraceptives have fewer premenstrual complaints
comorbidity: MDD, wide range of medical or other mental disorders may worsen
substance / dedication - induced depressive disorder
prominent and persistent disturbance in mood
symptoms dev during or soon after substance intoxication or withdrawal
substance is capable of producing symptoms
comorbidity: any mental disorder, pathological gambling and paranoid, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders
depressive disorder due to another medical condition
prominent and persistent period of depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities
disturbance is direct consequence of another medical condition
other specified depressive disorder
recurrent brief depression
short duration depressive episode
depressive episode with insufficient symptoms
Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders
exposure to a traumatic or stressful event is listed explicitly as diagnostic criterion
close relationship with anxiety, ocd, and dissociative disorders