INT MED II Flashcards
Methods of cardiac examination
- Xray!
- ECG!
- Echocardiography!
- Blood pressure measurement!
- Blood test!(ANP, BNP, troponin, endothelin)
- Phonocardiography!
- Nonselective angiocardiography!
- Cardiac catheterization!
- Radionuclide imaging!
- Serology!
- CT,
- MRI!
Indications of the ECG
- Arrhythmia!
- Cardiac!enlargement!
- Anesthesia!/surgery!
- Prescription and evaluation of therapy
- Systemic diseases!
- Myocardial damage!
What is FRIDA?
- Frequency (heart rate) = pulse rate
- Rhythm!
- Intensity (strength)
- Demarcation (distinctness)
- Adventitious sounds (mumurs)
Description of the thorax
- Symmetry
- Shape
- Pain!
Grades of murmurs
- Very soft
- Soft
- Moderate intensity
- Loud
- Very loud
- Loudest
Which animal has relative/absolute dullness
Absolute: horse, dog
Relative: Cattle, small Ru, Su, Cat
Which species has respiratory arrhythmia
When does the heart rate increase? Which nerve is responsible?
Vagus, during inspiration!
Inspection of the cardiac region
Abnormalities of the thorax (injury, malformation)
Heart beat
What can decrease the heart rate?
Cardiac insufficiency
Pericardial fluid
Peripleural fluid
Thickened chest wall
What can increase the heart rate
Cardiac hypertrophy!
Reasons for enlargements of cardiac dullness
- Dilation, hypertrophy!
- Dislocation!
- Pericardial effusion!
- False enlargement (neighboring organs, friction on auscultation)!
Reasons for decreasing dullness
- Lung emphysema!
- Skin emphysema!
- Pneumothorax!
- Cardiac dislocation!
What are the 4 always of murmurs?
- Pitch!
- Intensity!
- Relation to cardiac cycle!
- Location!
Causes of endocardial murmurs!
Morphological: valve deformities, septal or vessel deformation
Functional: anemia, innocent!
Indications of blood pressure measurements
- Reveal secondary hypertension in case of known predisposition factors!
- Find the cause of ocular, cardiac or CNS alterations!
- When using ACE inhibitors or hypotensive drugs
- Cases of severe diseases, shock!
- Anesthesia monitoring
- Thrombosis!
- Reveal essential hypertension!
Indications of echocardio
- Examination of cardiac chambers!
- Recognition of valvular disorders!
- Detection of shunts!
- Quantitative examination (valvular shortening)
- Defects of blood flow disorders!
- Detection of pericardial fluid!