instruments Flashcards
surgical team
-athletic trainer
-students residents/fellows
-scrub tech
-device representative
-imaging staff
-other (admin, custodial)
classification of the instruments
-cutting and dissecting
-grasping and holding
-clamping and occluding
-exposing and retracting
-suturing and stapling
-dilating and probing
-powered instruments
barred parker handles
-come in a size 3, 4, or 7
-3 and 4 are MC
-7 is used for deep structures (longer handle)
-handle for scalpel blades
scalpel blades
-blades that start with 1 will fit a 3 or 7 handle
-blades that start with 2 will fit a 4 handle
MC blades (10, 15, 11)
-10- skin incisions
-15- shallow incisions
-11- puncture/drainage, tiny deep incisions -> central/arterial lines
straight scissors
-cutting sutures 99% of time
bandage/dressing scissors
-cutting bandages
-cut clothes on trauma pts
curved mayo scissors
-cut deeper heavy tissue
-ex. rectus sheath, muscle, uterus, breast
-inserted closed initially and then opened when dissecting tissue
metzenbaum scissors
-cut tissue
-blunt end
-blunt dissection
-can be used deep
tenotomy scissors
-ophthalmic and neurosurgical use
-lateral canthotomy
iris scissors
-ophthalmic use
-can cut tarsal plate
-cut bone
-shape bone
-cuts bone
-like a chisel but its beveled on both sides
-scoops out tissues
-curettage of bone
-ex. melanoma
freer elevator
-used when working on the periosteum
-removes periosteum in areas of fracture
-reshapes and reforms bones
-used for deformities caused by fractures
kocher forceps
-holding tissue to be removed
-has a single and double tooth
-will damage tissue -> used on tissue that will be removed -> ex. gallbladder
-comes in different lengths
allis forceps
-hold or grasp heavy tissue to be removed
-ex. fascia
-teeth are serrated
babcock forceps
-smooth edges for grasping
-less traumatic grasping
-grasp delicate structures
-ex. fallopian tube, ureter, vas deferens, ovaries, appendix, small bowel
sponge stick forceps
-cleaning the skin with swab dipped in antiseptic
-scrub nurse holds the gauze pads in here
-deep areas to enhance visualization
backhaus towel clip
-fixing drapes to the skin
-secure towels
-can use on bones to hold together bc of sharp edges
adsons forceps
-grasps tissue
-plastic surgeons
-does not damage tissue
tissue forceps (toothed)
-used subcuticularly so you dont damage the skin
-can damage tissue
-holding tissue during wound closure
ferris smith forcep
-use with fibrous tissue
-colon tissue
-there is an area of the forcep with less serrations that cause less damage
debakey forceps
-atraumatic vascular forcep
-doesnt damage artery or vein
-coronary bypass
russians forceps
-atraumatic dissection
-wide clamp
-doesnt damage
anatomy of a clamp
-ratchet- keeps the clamp closed
-shank is the long shaft part
-box lock- intersection
-jaws- before the tip
-ring handles
-size varies
mosquito clamp
-used to tie of bleeding vessels
-you can cauterize through this clamp by touching it to a bovie
crile clamp
-for cauterization of ligation
-larger than mosquito
right angle clamp
-for vascular surgery
-pass ligatures around vessels
-tissue dissection by opening and closing (spread)
self retractor
-retract shallow incisions
harrington retractor
-retracting deep intra abdominal visceral organs during cholecystectomy, hysterectomy
morris retractor
-retracting strong structures like abdominal wall and muscles
senn retractor
-retracting superficial wound edges
-hand, plastic, foot surgery
langenbachs retractors
-providing better visualization of operative field and minimizing tissue handling
deavers retractor
-retracting deep wound edges during gastrectomy, cholecystectomy, kidney operations, etc.
-if used superficially you dont need to stand there holding it
czerney’s rectractor
-superficial retraction of skin incision during laparotomy
kelly retractor
-for wound exposure
kelly clamp
-everywhere with many uses
-deep procedures
-chest tubes
-holds vascular structures
tonsil clamp
-can also pass surgical ties -> pass suture material under clamped structure and tie surgical knott
-can use in deeper procedures
pean clamp
-can pass ligatures and ties under to tie
-easier bc its curved
bowel clamp
-non crushing
-bowel resection
-doesnt damage or crush bowel
vascular clamp
-non crushing
-atraumatic clamp
bulldog clamp
-non crushing
-used in open heart surgery for coronary artery- stops bleeding locally while performing anastomosis
-precise blood flow control
skin hooks
-apply to skin border to pull skin back
-see structures that are superficial
cushing vein retractor
-doesnt damage brain
volkman retractor
-skin, ribs, other tissues
-lifts out of way
-pulls and lifts tissue away
army-navy retractor
-retraction of small shallow incisions
-two L shaped sides
-expose structures
-ex. carotid artery plaque removal
malleable (ribbon) retractor
-can be put in the wound while suturing to protect the bowel from being poked
-take it out after
-without this a fistula can form
richardson retractor
-retraction in chest or abdomen
weitlander retractor
-ratchet retractor
-self locking mechanism
-cork screw appearance
cerebellar retractor
-locking mechanism
-neurosurgical procedures
gelpi retractor
-opens up wounds
-self retractor
-two sharp ends on each side
-large abdominal operations
-laparotomy pads keep abdomen moist
-keeps itself in place
bookwalter retractor
-self retaining
-retracts the entire abdomen in multiple areas
-bariatric surgery
-obese patients
-long periods of time
webster needle holder
-long deep suturing requiring force
-push the needle through the materials
crile wood needle holder
-small to medium sutures
mayo hegar
-needle driver
-very common
-needle holder
-plastic and neurosurgery
skin stapler
-repair scalp laceration
-close abdominal wounds
weck hemoclip applier
-apply small clips to the side
-can clamp a vessel on either side to obtain hemostasis
ligaclip applier
-applies a ligature clip
-stops vessel from bleeding
-avoid the need from anastomose
-bowel, L shaped, intraluminal
-expedite surgical procedure
nasal speculum
-deviated septum
rectal speculums
-dilate rectum
rigid endoscopes
laparoscopic trochars
-insert into abdomen
-CO2 to inflate and move abdominal wall away from bowel
-you can pop through bowel or aorta if not careful!
-left is right, right is left for laparoscopic surgery
arthroscopy cannulas
-hemarthrosis - can drain the blood out
cystoscopy sheaths
-in the urethra
-camera and light cord used to see into bladder
flexible bronchoscope
-suction in atelectasis
flexible ureteroscope
-look inside uterus
yankauer catheter and tubing
-major airway adjunct
-at every bedside in ICU and every operation room
-suctions particulate matter
-large and rapid
frazier suction
-confined suction device
poole suction
-multiple openings
-can drain a lot of fluid quickly
-trauma bleed
hegar uterine dilators
-dilate cervix
-before you put in uterine sound
sim uterine sound
-allow you to measure how deep the uterus is
-IUD placement
urethral sounds
-men and women
-get past areas of strictures
lacrimal duct probe
-lacrimal cystitis
-open the duct
vascular tunnelers
-pass through the extremity to form a tunnel
-makes room for a graft to pass through
-for bypasses from the groin down
surgical ruler
-stainless steel
depth gauge
-measure how deep you are going to put a screw in for example or what size screw you want
total hip trials set
-measure the size of the acetabulum
-plastics and neurosurgery
-microscopic repair of nerves
bishop harman forceps
powered instrucments
-can be powered by battery, pneumatics, air pressure, electricity
stryker system 5
-powered by pneumatics
-midas rex
-can control speed
arthroscopic shaver
-help clean out a joint
jackson pratt drain or grenade drain
-drain from cavity or flap area
used to cut or remove small pieces of bone or tissue
yankauer catheter
-can clear airway