FINAL Flashcards
-secundum- MC -> percutaneous
-sinus venousus
-split S2
-elective surgery from 2-5yo
-hypertrophy of LV and LA
-holosystolic -> increase if small
-membranous, infundibular, muscular, AVSD
-shunt determined by pulmonary artery pressure
-afterload reducers and diuretics
-endocarditis prophylaxis
-down syndrome
-splitting of S2
-cardiomegaly on CXR
-tx- surgery in infancy
-pulm banding if premature of <5kg
-bounding arterial pulses
-widen pulse pressure
-enlarged heart
-machine like murmur
-tx- indomethacin for premature
-surgery if doesnt close -> ligation + division or vascular coil
aortic stenosis
-supravalvular = williams
-systolic pressure gradient >10mmHg
-mild- 0-25 = 2.5cm jet
-moderate- 25-50
-severe- 50-75
-critical- >75
-surgery- resting gradient of 60-80
-subaortic stenosis 40-60 bc rapidly progressive
-balloon- standard of care for KIDS
-AVR- standard for ADULTS
pulmonary stenosis
-if PFO -> R->L -> cyanosis
-Noonan’s syndrome
-mild/asymp- <30
-mod-sev- 30-60; >60
-tx- balloon valvuloplasty
coarctation of the aorta
-turners, M>F
-bicuspid 70%
-dx- BP, doppler echo, imaging (scallop, “3”), cardiomegaly
-tinnitus, epistaxis, HA
-decrease pulse in LE
-SEVERE- acidosis, shock, HF
-tx- PDE1 for PDA -> surgery
-aortic/brain aneurysm/dissection
-F/U- MRI, BP, doppler echo, CAD -> 1-2 years
-tx- balloon angio
Tetralogy of fallot
-MC cyanotic
-VSD, RV hypertrophy, RVOTO, overriding aorta
-severity depends on RVOTO
-tet spells- squat to increase SVR -> AVOID ACE
-dx- boot shaped heart, RAD on ECG, echo
-fu- QRS >180ms, ventricular arrythmia!!, afib, pulm insufficiency, HF -> ECHO and MRI
-sudden death from ventricular arryhtmia possible
-surgery within the first year
-palliative- blalock-thomas-tanssig shunt (surgery not possible early)
-surgery- patch VSD, resect RVOTO
truncus arteriosus
-failure of neural crest cells to migrate to bubus cordis
-DiGeorge syndrome
-tx- surgery
transposition of the great vessels- D-type
-RF- mom with diabetes
-dx- echo, CXR -> egg on string
-2 closed systems -> YOU NEED A PDA, VSD, or ASD
-RVH, LV atrophy
-tx- PDE1 for PDA, balloon to open PFO
-surgery within 2 weeks:
-arterial switch
-atrial switch (mustards)
-post op- pacemaker, CHF, transplant, TVR
-bradycardia and atrial dysrhythmia MC
transposition of the great vessels- L type
-aorta to the left
-“Congenitally corrected”
-asymptomatic until adult -> valves give out
-Progressive Heart Failure
-Sudden cardiac death
-AV block
-Atrial arrhythmias
-Severe AV (tricuspid) regurgitation – TVR:
-Difficult to image using conventional ECHO.
-MRI becoming test of choice for RV function (NOT ECHO)!!!!!
tricuspid atresia
-need a ASD and VSD
-RV atrophy + dilation
-dx- echo
-inotropes, ventilation, O2
-glenn- 3-6mo
-fontan- 2-3yrs -> atrial arrythmia, HF, polycythemia (too late at this step)
ebstein anomaly
-RA hypertrophy
-atrialization of RV- sail like tricuspid valve
-TR -> cyanosis if TR -> R->L shunt -> PFO
-CXR- significant cardiomegaly (box)
-RF- lithium
-in an adult -> cyanosis due to TR going through ASD (NOT pulm HTN)
-tx- surgery for significant TR and sx
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
-LV hypoplasia
-MV and AV atresia or stenosis
-40-40 club PO2:PCO2
-dx- echo
eisenmenger complications and tx
-brain abscesses
-cerebral microemboli
-airway hemorrhage -> esp if higher altitude
-microcytosis -> stroke
-EPO high
-polycythemia -> phlebtomy for >65% hct and sx or preop
-r/o correctable ds
-once dx -> dont do aggressive testing -> can be fatal
-diuretics, O2
-definitive- transplant
-prostacyclin to delay but $$
CABG indications and vessel
-2- triple vessel ds with sx
-left main stem (>50%)
-LAD (>70%) w/ 2 or 3 vessel ds
-failed medical therapy
-thrombosis or stent restenosis post PTCA
-emergent from cathlab- dissection
-failed graft
-DM2 + multivessel ds
-disabling angina despite tx
-with or without cardiopulmonary bypass
-left internal mammary
-radial artery- allens test
-venous: great saphenous, small saphenous