Instrument Systems Flashcards
IFR Instruments required
- Everything required for VFR
- Gyroscopic pitch & bank
- Sensitive altimeter
- Gyroscopic direction indicator
- Gyroscopic rate of turn indicator
- Slip/Skid indicator
- Clock
- Two-way radio and navigation equipment appropriate to the facilities being used
- Generator of adequate capacity
- Mode C transponder w/altitude reporting (above 10,000msl AND 2,500agl)
- DME, if using VORs and above FL240
Altimeter and transponder inspected every
24 months
Equivalent Airspeed (EAS)
CAS, corrected for compressibility (high altitude or high speed)
Mach speed is unique because
It’s a ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound at the current temperature
Altimeter in cold/warm air
Reports lower than reality (cold), higher (warm)
Impact of blocked pitot tube
- Complete blockage - airspeed functions opposite expectation (becomes an altimeter)
- Ram air blockage only - airspeed drops to 0
AHRS defined/explained
Attitude Heading Reference System - Electronic/Inertial sensors to replace traditional gyro instruments (for powering glass cockpits)
How does altitude and airspeed change as you fly between areas of different pressure or temperature?
“Low to high, look to the sky” when pressure or temperature rise during a flight, the altimeter will report LOWER than reality, so you will climb HIGHER and true airspeed will INCREASE
“High to low, look out below” means the opposite will happen
Rule of thumb: True airspeed relative to calibrated
TAS is 2% higher than CAS for every 1000 feet above sea level
When to set altimeter to 29.92 if using the flight levels?
Passing through 18,000
How to preflight an altimeter
Set the current altimeter setting, the Confirm that the readout is within 75 feet of field elevation
Pre-flight for VSI
VSI is not necessary for IFR flight, so it doesnt matter. That said, note its readout while on the ground, and if not 0, consider whatever it reads to be 0 when in flight.
Attitude indicator errors
Turn error: indicates a slight climb and bank in the opposite direction following a 180 degree turn (cancels out after 360 degrees). NOTE: the climb error is erased after a skidding turn
During Acceleration: indicates a slight climb
During Deceleration: indicates a slight descent
Attitude indicator preflight
Ensure that the horizon bar stabilizes within 5 minutes, and does not dip more than 5 degrees during taxi turns
Attitude indicator setting for altitude changes of 100 feet or less
Half bar correction
Standard rate turn (duration)
2 mins or 3 degrees per second
Pre-flight for HSI
Allow 5 mins for gyro to fully spool up. Set to compass, then observe that it doesnt get more than 3 degrees off in 15 minutes of operation
Compass errors
Turning errors: compass will lag behind the actual heading when turning through northerly headings, and lead throughout southerly headings. Remember UNOS.
Acceleration errors: when on a heading of east or west, the compass will indicate a slight northerly turn when accelerating and a slight southerly turn when decelerating. Remember ANDS.
Blocked static port
Airspeed reads low in a climb, higher in a descent. Altimeter and VSI are frozen.
Open alt static.
3 fundamental skills of instrument flight
- Instrument cross check
- Instrument interpretation
- Aircraft control
Formula: Baro setting vs Altitude
1” Hg = 1000ft