Instability and Consolidation: 'the Mid-Tudor Crisis', 1547–1563: The Impact of Religious Developments in the Early Years of Elizabeth's Rule - Reactions to Religious Settlement Flashcards
Timeline of reactions to Elizabeth’s religious settlement
• 1559
- Elizabeth’s religious settlement
• 1562
- Jewel’s apology
• 1563
- Convocation
• December 1564
- Archbishop Parker meets Thomas Sampson to discuss his refusal to wear official vestments
• January 1565
- Elizabeth announces that only priests who wore correct vestments would stay in their posts or ‘keep their livings’
• May 1565
- Elizabeth sacks Sampson
• March 1566
- Archbishop Parker published the Advertisements
- Instructs priests to wear correct vestments but lets them wear surplice for Communion services as well
- 37 London priests refuse to wear correct vestments and removed from their posts
What types of Protestants were there in Elizabethan England?
- Puritans (branch out into the following)
- Presbyterians
- Separatists
What were the beliefs of the different types of Protestants in Elizabethan England?
• Puritans
- More extreme Protestants
• Presbyterians
- Wanted to abolish role of bishop rather than keep hierarchy of Church
• Separatists
- Puritans who wanted to break away from established Church of England
What were the Puritan reactions to Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement?
- Jewel’s apology
- The Convocation of 1563
- The Vestiarian Controversy
Jewel’s apology
- 1562
- Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, published An Apology of the Church of England
- Claimed that the Church of England was returning to the true position abandoned many centuries earlier by the Church of Rome
- Claimed the Puritan branch would be recognised by Jesus and the first apostles
When was Jewel’s apology published?
- 1562
The Convocation
- 1563
- Convocation was Church’s annual parliament
- Puritan bishops expected to make further Protestant reforms to Settlement
- Demanded further reforms for 1559 Prayer Book, removing elements of ‘popery’ and simplification of vestments
- Elizabeth refuses to meet demands
At which Convocation did Puritan bishops call for further Protestant reforms?
- 1563
The Vestiarian Controversy
• 1559 Settlement
- Act of Uniformity tells priests to wear surplice and albs/copes for Communion services
• 1563 Convocation
- Many bishops demand simpler vestments, Elizabeth refuses
- Many priests refuse to wear official vestments
- Most bishops sympathetic so get away with it
• December 1564
- Archbishop Parker meets Thomas Sampson to discuss his refusal to wear official vestments
• January 1565
- Elizabeth announces that only priests who wore correct vestments would stay in their posts or ‘keep their livings’
• May 1565
- Elizabeth sacks Sampson
• March 1566
- Archbishop Parker published the Advertisements
- Instructs priests to wear correct vestments but lets them wear surplice for Communion services as well
- 37 London priests refuse to wear correct vestments and removed from their posts
Which individuals are involved in the Vestiarian Controversy?
- Archbishop Parker
- Thomas Sampson (Dean of Christ Church, Oxford)
When did Archbishop Parker meet Thomas Sampson to discuss his refusal to wear the official vestments?
- December 1564
When does Elizabeth announce that only priests wearing the official vestments would keep their livings?
- January 1565
When does Elizabeth sack Sampson?
- May 1565
When does Archbishop Parker publish the Advertisements?
- March 1566
How many London priests refuse to wear the official vestments and are removed from their posts?
- 37
What were the Catholic reactions to Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
- Some became recusants (non-attenders at church)
- Many went into exile in Europe (especially the Netherlands)
- Some exiles set up a seminary in Douai (France) to train English Catholic priests
- Some priests were sheltered by Catholic nobles
- ‘Underground’ Catholic services were held, especially in Lancashire and North-East England and secret networks of priests were established
Why did many Catholics accept Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
- Elizabeth might die young and soon (like Edward and Mary)
- She may marry a Catholic
- There may be political pressure, especially from House of Lords for more Catholic changes
- Foreign Catholic powers (France, Spain, Holy Roman Empire) could invade and instigate a rebellion