Henry VIII, 1485–1509: Government - Ministers, Cromwell Flashcards
What were Cromwell’s main policies (excluding religious ones)?
- Succession Acts
- Act of Union with Wales
- Jurisdiction in Liberties Act
- Council of the North
- Royal Council
- Finances
Main timeline of Cromwell’s main policies
• 1484
- Council of the North established
• 1534
- First Succession Act
• 1535
- Jurisdiction in Liberties Act
• 1536
- Second Succession Act
- Act of Union with Wales
- Pilgrimage of Grace
- Council of the North and Royal Council are changed
• 1540
- Cromwell executed
• 1543
- Third Succession Act
How did Cromwell rise to power?
- Secured annulment of marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Succession Acts
• First Succession Act, 1534
- Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon made invalid; marriage to Anne Boleyn now valid
- Elizabeth made legitimate; Mary bastardised
• Second Succession Act, 1536
- Follows Cromwell’s fall out with Anne Boleyn and her execution
- Removes Mary and Elizabeth from line of succession
• Third Succession Act, 1543 (after Cromwell)
- Names Edward, Mary and Elizabeth as heirs to the throne
When was the First Succession Act passed?
- 1534
When was the Second Succession Act passed?
- 1536
When was the Third Succession Act passed?
- 1543
- After Cromwell’s execution in 1540
Act of Union with Wales
- 1536
- Divided Wales into Shires like England
- English laws placed upon Wales
- Wales received 2 MPs in House of Commons for first time
When was the Act of Union with Wales passed?
- 1536
What were Palatinates? Which areas were Palatinates at the time?
- Areas previously ruled by Catholic bishops with separate jurisdictions from rest of England
- Lancashire, Cheshire and Durham
Jurisdiction in Liberties Act
- 1535
- Reduced the powers of Palatinates
When was the Jurisdiction in Liberties Act passed?
- 1535
How did Cromwell change the Royal Council?
- More professional Royal Council
- Maximum of 20 members
- Made up of trained lawyers and bureaucrats, rather than untrained nobility and clergy
- Smaller grouping of Royal Council after 1536 due to Pilgrimage of Grace and need for expertise for Reformation
Council of the North
- Established in 1484 to improve access to conciliar justice in the north
- 1536, Pilgrimage of Grace showed need for more control in north
- Cromwell gives more power to Council of the North and they could deal with cases such as rape, murder and treason
When was the Council of the North established?
- 1484
What event led to the development of the Council of the North? When was this event?
- Pilgrimage of Grace
- 1536
What financial institutions did Cromwell create?
- Court of Augmentations
- Court of General Surveyors
- Court of the First Fruit and Tenths
- Court of Wards
What were the purposes of the financial institutions Cromwell created?
- To manage new incomes after Break with Rome but still used alongside Privy Chamber
• The Court of Augmentations
- Controlled the land and finances formerly under the control of the Catholic Church
• The Court of General Surveyors
- Initially handled some of the ex-monastic land, but was soon amalgamated with the Court of Augmentations
• The Court of First Fruits and Tenths
- Collected money previously sent to Rome.
• The Court of Wards
- The King had the ancient feudal right to collect money from the estate of a minor, under the age of 21, who had inherited land
When was Cromwell executed?
- 1540