Edward VI: The Social Impact of Religious and Economic Changes Under Edward VI - Rebellion - Kett's Rebellion Flashcards
When did Kett’s rebellion occur?
- July - August 1549
Where did Kett’s rebellion occur?
- County of Norfolk
Who led the rebellion?
- Robert Kett
- Local landowner
- But other simultaneous rebellions occurred in the region not under his leadership
Who led the forces against the rebels?
- Earl of Northampton
- Earl of Northumberland
What was the main cause of the rebellion?
- Rebels angry that landowners, Robert Kett and John Flowerdew, were obstructing a government commission investigating illegal enclosure in the area
What was the government commission the landowners were accused of obstructing?
- Enclosure commission of 1548
- Somerset sent commissioners to assess the legality of recent enclosures
What were the religious causes of the rebellion?
- Rebels angry at the slow rate of progress Protestantism was making
- Rebels demanded better educated and resident clergy
- Demanded parishioners should be allowed to choose new priests if existing ones are inadequate
What were the other factors that caused Kett’s Rebellion?
- Hatred of local government officials
- Resentment of abuse by landowners of the Norfolk foldcourse system
- Frustrations over maladministration locally of the Howards
What is a foldcourse system?
- A foldcourse was the right to graze sheep on an enclosed piece of common land
How did landowners abuse the foldcourse system in Norfolk? How did this lead to rebellion?
- Many of the foldcourse rights were held by peasants
- In some villages, landowners denied access to foldcourse
- Rebels demanded for government to make reforms against enclosure, as declared in Somerset’s proclamation
What did Somerset demand in his proclamation?
- Landlords would be forced to take down hedges and fences enclosing the land
When did Somerset make the proclamation on enclosures?
- April 1549
How did Robert Kett, a landowner, become the leader of the rebellion?
- Kett’s property was attacked
- But he agreed to end enclosure on his estates and offered to lead the rebels to secure their rights
What were the main events of Kett’s Rebellion?
- 1549
- Tearing down of hedges near Wymondham
- Protesters begin heading towards Norwich
- Rebels begin camping on Mousehold Heath, overlooking Norwich; other camps are set up elsewhere in East Anglia
- Rebels begin firing on the city
- Norwich in hands of the rebels
- Failure of Earl of Northampton to recapture Norwich
- Rebels finally defeated by forces led by the Earl of Northumberland
Where did rebels begin to tear down hedges?
- Near Wymondham
Where were the protesters marching to?
- Norwich
Where did the rebels camp?
- Begin camping on Mousehold Heath, overlooking Norwich
Which earl tried recapturing Norwich? Was it successful?
- Earl of Northampton
- Failed to recapture Norwich
When were the rebels finally defeated? Who led the forces?
- August 1549
- Earl of Northumberland
What happened to Robert Kett?
- Convicted of high treason and hanged
How many rebels were part of the rebellion?
- 16,000
How many rebels were executed?
- Up to 300 executed