Inpatient Diabetes Flashcards
Dx of DM
-Symptomatic hyperglycemia: symptoms of hyperglycemia (weight loss, polydipsia, polyuria, blurred vision with random glucose of 200 mg/dl or higher.
-Asymptomatic: -Fasting glucose greater or equal to 126 mg/dl following no intake for 8 hours. -Two-hour plasma glucose value of greater or equal to 200 mg/dl during a 75-gram OGTT.
-Hemoglobin A1c >or equal to 6.5%
Type 1 DM
-auto immune destruction of beta-cell function, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. This may also include LADA.
-Diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA)may be the initial presentation.
Type 2 DM
-loss of beta cell function frequently in the setting of insulin resistance
Patients with poor oral intake and those who are NPO
Basal insulin or a basal plus bolus correction insulin regimen
Non-critically ill patients regimen
“An insulin regimen with basal, prandial, and correction components is the preferred treatment for non–critically ill hospitalized patients with good nutritional intake”.
Successful transition from IV insulin to Subq
-Stable and eating
-using average IV insulin rate over 6–8-hour period and then administering 40-80% of the this as basal insulin.
Intermediate-Acting insulin
-NPH (Humulin-N, Novolin-NPH)
-Onset: 1 to 3 hrs
-Duration: up to 18 hrs
Rapid Acting insulin
-Lispro (Humalog)
-Glullsine (Apidra)
-Aspart (NovoRapid)
-Onset 10-15 min
Slow or long-acting insulin
-Glargine (Lantus)
-Detemir (Levemir)
-Onset: 90 min
-Duration: up to 24 hrs
Basal/Bolus program components
-Basal insulin, dosed 1-2x/day
-Rapid acting w/ meals, prandial doses
-Rapid acting for correction of hyperglycemia
Basal insulin
-Detemir (Levemir)
-Degludec (Tresiba)
Prandial and Correction
-Rapid acting insulin
-Aspart (Fiasp, NovoLog)
-Lispro (Admelog, Lyumjev)
-Glulisine (Apidra)
-Short acting (Humulin R and Novolin R)
-Inhaled insulin (Afrezza)
-Correction scale, based on hospital protocol
-Ideally basal and bolus should be 50/50 split.
Dosing Insulin DM1
-Most newly dx is 0.2-0.5U/kg/day
-many will ultimately require 0.6-0.7U/kg/day
-Basal bolus 50/50 split
Dosing Insulin DM2
-0.2U/kg/day (min of 10 units, up to 15 to 20 units) daily
-50/50 split basal bolus insulin
Early Management of DKA and HHS
-Metabolic profile prior to IV fluids
-1L 0.9% NaCl in 1 hr
-K level should be >3.3 before initiation of insulin-supplemental replacement
-Initiate insulin therapy once first steps met
-Change IV fluid to 0.45% NaCl when indicated
-Hyperglycemia, acidosis, ketonemia.
Hyperosmotic hyperglycemia nonketotic state (HHS)
-Little to no ketone accumulation
-Glucose may be above 1000 mg/dl
-Plasma osmol/kg greater than 320
-Neurologic abnormalities which may include coma
Resolution of DKA and HHS
-Ketoacidosis is resolved when serum anion gap is normalized as well as beta-hydroxybutyrate (if available at facility)
-HHS when patient is mentally alert and plasma osmolality is less than 315 mOsmol/kg
-Patient able to eat
How to transition after DKA and HHS
-In DKA plan to transition to basal/bolus insulin. If patient will not be eating, consider continuation of insulin infusion.
-In HHS transition to basal/bolus insulin when serum glucose falls below 250-300 mg/dl.
-DC insulin infusion 2-4 hours following administration of subcutaneous insulin. This will help avoid hyperglycemia.