inorganic chem flash - pink (use written notes) Flashcards
What is infrared spectroscopy used for
It’s used to identify specific functional groups in organic molecules
Explain how infrared spectroscopy works
Infrared spectroscopy intakes infrared at organic molecules which causes their bonds to vibrate in different ways. The wavelengths which are absorbed depend on the type of chemical bonding the atoms at the end of these bonds
What is the general rule regarding the weight of atoms and bond strength
Lighter atoms are converted by stronger bonds (higher energy radiation absorbed), heavier atoms are connected by weaker bonds (lower energy radiation absorbed)
What is nass spectroscopy used for
Mass spectroscopy is used to determine the accurate molecular mass and structural features of a compound
How does mass spectroscopy work
A small sample of an organic compound is bombarded by high energy electrons. This removes electrons from the organic molecule generating positively charged molecular ions known as parent ions. These molecular ions then break into smaller positively charged ion fragments
Explain how proton nmr spectroscopy works
Nuclei of atoms behave like tiny magnets and in a strong magnetic field some align with the field (lower energy) whilst the rest align against it (higher energy). The absorption of radiation in the radio frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum causes the 1h nuclei to flip from the lower to higher energy alignment. As they fall back from higher to lower energy alignment emitted radiation is detected and plotted on a spectrum
How are proton environments identified
The fragments
empirical formula
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Infrared spectroscopy can identify certain functional groups in an organic compound
When infrared radiation is absorbed by organic compounds, bonds within molecules vibrate (stretch and bend). The wavelengths of infrared radiations that are absorbed depend on the type of atoms that make up the bond and the strength of the bond.
Infrared measured in cm-1 wavelength
practice converting from wavelength cm-1 now
practice converting from wavelength cm-1 now
Proton nmr spectroscopy can give information about different hydrogen atom environments, it can also measure how many hydrogen atoms are in these environments.
In the H1 NMR spectrum the chemical shift/peak position is related to the environment of the H1 atom. This is measured in parts per million (ppm)
The area under the peak is related to the number of 1H atoms in that environment and is often given by an integration curve on a spectrum.
Nmr spectra can be obtained using high or low resolution NMR
High resolution nmr uses higher radio frequencies than those used in low resolution nmr and provides more detailed spectra.
In high resolution proton nmr an interaction with 1H atoms on neighbouring carbon atoms will determine the number of peaks within a multiplet and can be determined using the N+1 rule, where n is the number of 1H atoms on the neighbouring carbon atoms
Low spectrum nmr can be sketched