Inmate Discipline Flashcards
What are the Category 1 infractions?
Generally All New Crimes.
Sexual Assault, Assault, threats, sexual activity, escape, attempted escape, setting a fire, tattooing, damage to county property, tampering w/ locking devices, group demonstrations, theft, refusing to work, fail to follow staff order, possession of contraband (weapons, drugs, disguises), refusal to submit to tests/physicals, gambling, bribing staff, interfering with head count, health/safety violations.
What are the possible sanctions for Category 1 violations?
1) . Administrative Segregation
2) . Disciplinary Lockdown( up to 10 days)
3) . Food loaf
4) . Loss of privileges (Recreation, visitation, commissary) up to 30 days.
5) . Reclass to higher level
6) . Loss of trusty
What is the procedure for processing category 1 infractions?
1) . Deputy writes report/ticket
2) . Inmate must sign ticket
3) . Supv. reviews/ investigates w/i 24 hrs
4) . Supv. then immediately submits to Sgt.
5) . If approved, forwarded to Corrective Services Office.
6) . Hearing must be held w/i 7 working days.
7) . Disposition sheet added to I/M file, IMACS entry made.
Can inmates be placed into prehearing disciplinary lockdown?
Yes, but placement must be approved by: classification, clinic, program services, and the Sgt. within 24 hours.
What is the procedure when an inmate wants to appeal a conviction of a class 1 in fraction?
1) . The appeal with be recorded on the hearing summary report.
2) . The Sgt. forwards to the Lts office
3) . The appeal will be considered within 5 days of the hearing.
4) . Notice of decision will be given to inmate.
What are the category 2 jail in fractions?
Possession of: money, others property, jewelry, unauthorized linens, non-commissary food items, obstructed view of cell, obstructed vents/lights, being in unauthorized area, lying to Deputy, fail to maintain proper hygiene.
How many Category 2 violations before someone can be charged with a Category 1 charge as an enhancement?
Accumulation of more than 3 category 2 infractions may result in a category 1 violation.
What are the possible sanctions for a category 2 infraction?
1) . Loss of recreation or visitation for up to seven days
2) . Extra work duty (trusty)
3) . Security level upgrade.
4) . Loss of 1 day of commissary order.
5) . Written reprimand placed in file.
How are Category 2 violations processed?
1) . Deputy makes entry into log book
2) . Supv reviews entry and approves/denies charge and sanction.
3) . Sgt reviews log book and approves/revises charge/sanction
4) . Sgt notifies Lt.
How does an inmate appeal a sanction from a category two infraction?
The inmate appeals to the sergeant
What are category 3 infractions?
Crossing the redline at the officers desk, being in another inmates cell, fail to wear proper day room attire, fail to maintain proper hygiene, failed to maintain a clean cell, Running or horse play in the day room, failure to respond to med pass.
What are the sanctions for a category 3 infraction?
Verbal reprimand, loss of day room privileges (not to exceed 48 hrs), extra work duty (trusty), verbal counseling and IMACS entry
How are category 3 infractions processed?
Deputy enters the infraction into the logbook and informs the supervisor, deputy recommends sanctions supervisor approves or disapproves, Supervisor keeps a log of all infractions and submits to the sergeant at the end of the shift, the surgeon reviews the daily log and reviews sanctions
Who can remove an inmate from disciplinary lockdown early?
Only the original hearing sergeant, or Lieutenant or above