Injury, Trauma And Classification Of Diseases Flashcards
By body region or system
By organ or tissue
By function or affect
What does ICD stand for?
International classification of diseases
When was the WHO set up?
What does the ICD help with?
To provide a common language through all healthcare. It keeps data standard and consistent throughout the world. It help us to keep track of statistics and and discover new treatments.
What are the three classification systems?
Topographical, anatomical, physiological
What is an injury?
Damage to the body cause by external force
What is a trauma?
An injury that has the potential to cause disability or death
What is Ischaemia?
The lack of blood flowing in an area of the body. Could be because of blood loss from a wound or a blockage.
Does a MRI use radiation?
No it uses magnets and radio waves
Positives for MRIs
No radiation
Non invasive
Shows hard and soft tissues
Good contrasts between tissues
Provides high resolution images
What type of radiation is in an x-ray?
Ionising radiation